My guess is....

tinman483's Avatar
I ran across this site that does (allegedly) back ground checks.
(I don't recall what news site lead me there LOL)
Don't ya suppose that when ya click on it, it would collect your data from your computer/phone or whatever then your data also is collected?
I didn't click on it but just being on the info site they proly have mine?[source]=RDMF&utm_medium=affiliate&tra ffic[medium]=affiliate&utm_campaign=mf&tra ffic[campaign]=:mf&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=mf&s2=&s3=&s4=&s5=
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 01-12-2019, 07:18 AM
Those types of sites scrape their data from public databases. I doubt they're getting anything from you visiting them. How in the world do you think they would do that?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
To maybe find an address, probably old/incorrect maybe.

To do a real background check, access to NCIS and credit reports works.
Normal Joe Citizen can't pull those on other folks.
yourdesire's Avatar
UC actually they do get there info from public data bases. What people pay for is them doing the research on multiple sites such as case net, Facebook, Whitepages etc. Crock as for how would they collect by going to the site, cookies & tracert/IP tracking and other ways I have little knowledge on. Don't be fooled a little paranoia is healthy in this lifestyle especially. Stay safe & level headed as you play & have a blast xoxo
yourdesire's Avatar
PS Tinman you can go on those sites and request to be removed from them. Run your name on it. Not all the info pertains to you. They listt relatives that don't belong to you, addresses you've never been to etc. But at the end of the pages someplace they'll have a remove me option.
Naughty.Nikki's Avatar
I ran across this site that does (allegedly) back ground checks.
(I don't recall what news site lead me there LOL)
Don't ya suppose that when ya click on it, it would collect your data from your computer/phone or whatever then your data also is collected?
I didn't click on it but just being on the info site they proly have mine?[source]=RDMF&utm_medium=affiliate&tra ffic[medium]=affiliate&utm_campaign=mf&tra ffic[campaign]=:mf&utm_term=&traffic[term]=&utm_content=&traffic[content]=&s1=mf&s2=&s3=&s4=&s5= Originally Posted by tinman483
No. U watch too much tv