Pistol's Bad Review.....

OK gents..
I know Pistol personally and she wanted me to write this for her because she doesn't have an eccie account.. But she plans on making one REAL SOON! And i'm not saying I was there, but this is what she told me about the situation. Her "blonde" friend is NOT the brightest. And was just trying to protect Pistol because a few hours earlier Pistol had a visitor that did not come with the correct donation so she would not provide FS. He went ahead with the session and at the end tried to take the incorrect donation back.. They got into a physical altercation. But everything ended up OK. She let her "blonde" friend know what happened. So from then on the blonde felt like she had to protect Pistol. Even though she is a big girl and can take care of herself. Needless to say, Pistol will NOT be traveling with her "blonde" friend anymore. She does wish to apologize to the hobbyist who had such an awful experience...

On another note...
About the blonde wig, can't a girl have some fun and change it up sometimes?
This is going to call for........
Popcorn days are over as soon as someone says anything out of line the thread will be closed.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I thought Pistol was the blonde "friend"
OK gents..
I know Pistol personally and she wanted me to write this for her because she doesn't have an eccie account.. But she plans on making one REAL SOON! And i'm not saying I was there, but this is what she told me about the situation. Her "blonde" friend is NOT the brightest. And was just trying to protect Pistol because a few hours earlier Pistol had a visitor that did not come with the correct donation so she would not provide FS. He went ahead with the session and at the end tried to take the incorrect donation back.. They got into a physical altercation. But everything ended up OK. She let her "blonde" friend know what happened. So from then on the blonde felt like she had to protect Pistol. Even though she is a big girl and can take care of herself. Needless to say, Pistol will NOT be traveling with her "blonde" friend anymore. She does wish to apologize to the hobbyist who had such an awful experience...

On another note...
About the blonde wig, can't a girl have some fun and change it up sometimes? Originally Posted by Annalise Giselle

Anyone mind if I give my 2 cents on this?
I shot her a message about getting on the site about a month and a half ago... maybe she'd be able to speak her mind on this topic if she had taken my advice back then.

When it comes to the matter of her "friend" checking up on her, it isn't what the friend did which matters here. If Pistol is a big girl and can take care of herself, she needs to be big girl enough to tell her blond buddy to step off so she can tend to her appointment. I'm not trying to reveal any of the details that I know of from that session, like you, I wasn't there. But, what I am saying is that people can't control the things their bullshit friends do in the way of helping them out. What they can do is respond to the situation in a way which corrects her friend and respects her client.

As far as the wig goes... seriously, nothing wrong with changing things up if you still stay you. But, if a guy is looking to meet up with a cute spinner with long blond hair and they walk into a room and it is some chick wearing a wig and he realizes that she is another chick who advertises online by a different name who has short dark hair... yeah, he's going to be disappointed. Which sucks because, I know there were a lot of guys who saw that as a deceitful move on her part... especially guys who like Pistol's body type but don't like her restrictions.

But, yeah, that's what's wrong with that (click here if you missed what other people think was wrong with that)? Whomever advised her to change things up in that way needs their head checked... or simply needs to be reminded of what people DO like... being on time, great service for a good rate, keeping it real, and being clean. Pistol advertizes that she doesn't want BS or black men (which is kinda fucked up but its whatever)... sounds to me like the whole thing was BS.
I don't disagree with anything you said. All i'm saying is she is a friend of mine.. And she asked me to post this. And I believe her...
Believing her isn't the issue.
I agree on the wig thing...lose the wig....and be professional and she'll do well
HasLoveWillTravel's Avatar
Providers should take the batteries out of their phones for sessions. One of my favorite providers leaves hers in another room when she visits me. That's just professional.

I've had others roll right over to check their texts before I've even had time to recover. It's like a rude awakening from my "dream".

That other stuff may not be her fault but it's definitely her responsibility to maintain that experience for her client. He really paid for something he didn't get.
MisterSir's Avatar
I really appreciate FireSerpent's comments. They are right on the money.

She does wish to apologize to the hobbyist who had such an awful experience... Originally Posted by Annalise Giselle
As that hobbyist, I appreciate the apology, although it is secondhand. In fact, she said "I'm sorry" at the time, but that was all that I received. It came off as "too bad, so sad."

However, if valid, it shows that Pistol has realized the consequences of her actions and takes some responsibility for them. That is certainly a step in the right direction.

I have no doubt about the reason for her friend's incredibly foolish behavior. Pistol mentioned the altercation earlier that day and showed me three thing scratches from it. I was the first one to point out her friend was out of control. Her behavior was highly disruptive, suspicious, and caught some sort of official attention. Besides ruining the session, it endangered all of us.

None of that, however, is in any way my fault. Pistol was very content to let me walk out the door with my $$ in her hand. Her ads read "you wont be disappointed!" yet I was, "you wont feel rushed!!" yet I absolutely was, "always clean and classy" yet it wasn't, "no games" yet I absolutely feel played.

If Pistol wants to make things RIGHT, I am willing to talk. You or she (when she is on) may IM me. You'll find me quite reasonable and a problem solver. If the friend is the issue and that issue is taken care of, then she still needs to address preparation, cleanliness, and safety.
MisterSir's Avatar
That other stuff may not be her fault but it's definitely her responsibility to maintain that experience for her client. He really paid for something he didn't get. Originally Posted by HasLoveWillTravel
Couldn't have said it better myself, thank you.

As for the wig thing, it's fine to have the wig on her menu. With her short hair and little body she could have a number of outfits and wigs. She's be a hot little cheerleader, schoolgirl, or nurse. But to advertise as two different girls under false pretense puts you in the Lexxi/Stacy category. That's not where you want to be.
You are awesome for not writing her completely off about the situation.. If you just give her a call I'm pretty sure that you guys can work it out and make things right..
MisterSir's Avatar
You are awesome for not writing her completely off about the situation.. If you just give her a call I'm pretty sure that you guys can work it out and make things right.. Originally Posted by Annalise Giselle
For the record, I would really like a positive solution to all this. However, that will not be the case. I finally got ahold of Pistol (now known as Bailey or simply sexy red) via phone as you suggested. I identified myself on the first call, and she hung up on me. Waited then I resolved to call again, this time suggesting we meet and talk. Again, hung up. Not the behavior of someone who is sorry, at all. Certainly not of someone that wants to "make it right"

All of which means I go to my next step. Alas, I was willing to be more than reasonable, but I can't take this laying down.

For those wanting to see the original review, it is here: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=337687
Just goes to show some girls...believe they are above everyone else and they dont need you until they are short of cash!!
Oh my wow.. I really feel like deleting this post now trying to apologize for her.. I haven't talked to her since the day I made this post. I'm the one who told her about her bad review on eccie and she asked me to try to make it right for her.. I told her that she should make an account and stick up for herself. But she asked me to do it.. Ugh.. I have nothing... I try to be sweet as pie to everyone.. But I can't help the girl...