
This past Friday I had a visit planned with a lady who was suppose to be visiting SW Ark. the Thursday night before I was unable to contact her to confirm. Tried PMs and phone calls with no luck so she was a NCNS.

Today I again had a visit planned with a lady who is visiting SW Ark. she told me she would be expecting my call this morning. After trying to reach her for an hour by phone I gave up, another NCNS. I did recieve an eccie PM from her about an hour and a half later saying she was sorry. She said she was up late and even though she had her phone turned all the way up she didn't hear it.

My experience with cell phones has always been; if the phone is turned off it instantly goes to voice mail (which is what her phone did the first 45 minutes I tried to call it). If the phone is turned on then it will ring approximately 4 to 6 times before it goes to voice mail, (which is what hers did the last 15 minutes I tried to call her). I'm not trying to give either lady a bad name that's why I didn't mention any names here. Now I'm not stupid though I'm no genius either but IMHO when you call a cell phone and the way it answers changes then hasn't the phone changed in some way? IMHO either it was on and got turned off or it was off and got turned on. If my logic in thinking this is flawed please enlighten me. Please do not rant about getting a NCNS because I am already convinced it is a lack of respect or the lady is already rich enough she doesn't need my donation. Yes it was an 8:30AM visit and a lot of ladies are not a "morning person" but I also know they agreed to the 8:30AM visit. It's not like I some how forced them to agree to the visit at 8:30AM. I even told them when making the appointment if 8:30AM is to early please let me know so I can make other arrangements. All I am asking for is your opinion/ideas/knowledge about the way a cell phone works when it is turned off as compared to the way works when it is turned on. This knowledge will help me in the future when I call a lady for driving directions. I will have a better understanding/insight as to whether it will probably be a NCNS and hopefully I can take a little more control and not waste my time so much. Your input is appreciated.
MuffinMan's Avatar not confuse YOUR logic with a condition which I call "provider logic". It's best not to equate the two, but rather lick your wounds and move on.

That being said.... In the words of a former president, "I feel your pain" ! lol

  • jwood
  • 05-15-2012, 12:21 PM
I agree with you on the cell phone issue 100%.
you are correct on the cellphone, Sir.
Thank you for your input/opinion gentlemen. MM I apologize but I'm not sure I understand "provider logic". Fortunately I didn't have to lick my wounds because I found another lady to do that for me. She ask me not to do a review so I won't but I promise you I thought she was going to do me in LOL. She was on the very top of her game and I was fortunate enough to reap the benefits which doesn't heppen very often but it definately did this time.
MuffinMan's Avatar
LOL...horserider, you did actually get the point! Sometimes logical thinking has no place in this hobby of ours. It's just what it is. PM on it's way.
Glad you found a good lady.

sorry for ur bad experiences but glad u were able to find someone that was great!
~Ynot~'s Avatar
Horserider, glad to hear it all worked out in the end for ya.
Sounds like they simply didnt care about seeing ya period. If they did they would have been waiting for your call.
Some are considerate and some are not.
AM out
sorry for ur bad experiences but glad u were able to find someone that was great! Originally Posted by tatianamarie
Thank you Tatiana, I wish I could have the great experience with you!!!

Horserider, glad to hear it all worked out in the end for ya.
Sounds like they simply didnt care about seeing ya period. If they did they would have been waiting for your call.
Some are considerate and some are not.
AM out Originally Posted by (AM)
I think you are correct AM. The experience I had with her phone tells me she wasn't really interested but all she did was miss out on her part because I still had a good time and someone else got what I intended for her. I just wish she would have had enough courtesy to let me know she didn't want to visit with me.
Define "provider logic". There are bad eggs on both sides of the fence. not confuse YOUR logic with a condition which I call "provider logic". It's best not to equate the two, but rather lick your wounds and move on.

That being said.... In the words of a former president, "I feel your pain" ! lol

MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan
Define "provider logic". There are bad eggs on both sides of the fence. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Yes there are "bad eggs' on both sides of the fence and I am sure as a very intelligent lady you can see how big an insult it is when a number is called, doesn't ring not even once, goes straight to voice mail and later the call recipient says, "I don't know what happened I had my phone turned all the way up, I don't know why I didn't hear it". Well DUH.......maybe if the call recipient had TURNED THE PHONE ON..............I think you would agree this statement is an insult to the caller's(s') intelligence no matter the gender of the caller(s).
Just hate to see a comment like that stereotypes providers. We aren't all flakes.
Yes there are "bad eggs' on both sides of the fence and I am sure as a very intelligent lady you can see how big an insult it is when a number is called, doesn't ring not even once, goes straight to voice mail and later the call recipient says, "I don't know what happened I had my phone turned all the way up, I don't know why I didn't hear it". Well DUH.......maybe if the call recipient had TURNED THE PHONE ON..............I think you would agree this statement is an insult to the caller's(s') intelligence no matter the gender of the caller(s). Originally Posted by horserider
I apologize Heidi if I gave you that impression, that was not my intention. I don't intend to stereotype anyone. I also don't appreciate it when I am treated as though I am a mushroom. If she didn't want to see me she could have said so the day before.
ragooh_aus's Avatar
Horserider, it's the ladies!! I know it is tough when you anticipate an appointment that does not occur, but dwelling on it takes the pleasure out of the hobby. Most, but not all of these ladies, have trouble with time management. They elect not to take a call when an appointment is made. If I had a nickel for each time a phone call was not answered due to ringer problems or cell coverage, I would have enough to visit a lady for free!! I guess they do not feel the need to follow through with an appointment because they know eventually we will call back.

Most say that pre-booking an out of town girl is a great way to get a visit. I disagree. It increaases your anticipation and then nothing. I would rather the spontaneous approach. I will call when the lady is in town, and then try to make it work. Of course, the draw back is lack of appointment time, but usually here it works out well.

Muffy did.
What is "treating you like a mushroom"? That made me giggle. Ragoo, I am sorry for flaking on you,, but it was horseriders fault! lol Ok, not really, it was my poor time management!

I apologize Heidi if I gave you that impression, that was not my intention. I don't intend to stereotype anyone. I also don't appreciate it when I am treated as though I am a mushroom. If she didn't want to see me she could have said so the day before. Originally Posted by horserider