Sexual Fetishes You've Never Heard Of

DallasRain's Avatar
Sexual Fetishes You've Never Heard Of................

Arousal to oneself dressed as a giant cartoon-like stuffed animal

Arousal to caverns, crevices, and valleys

Arousal to falling down stairs

Arousal to feces

Arousal to insects

Arousal to sex in front of mirrors

Arousal to being tickled

Arousal to stone and gravel

Arousal to sucking on a person’s nose

Arousal to fog

Arousal to buttocks

Arousal to urine or urinating others

Arousal to wood

Arousal to nonhuman animals

Arousal to the thought of hellfire and damnation
{HMMMMMM maybe that could be my next}
James1588's Avatar
Those are excellent!

To the list could be added "Dallasdroughtophobia: the fear that DallasRain may never visit one's local area." I'm suffering from that one. So far, it's a well-founded fear.

Actually, I must be truthful here and say I don't deserve a visit from you, because I've driven past Springfield twice in the last couple of weeks, oblivious that I was passing your home base. But then, the first time I was Texas-bound, where I visited the fabulous Elisabeth Whispers; and the second time, I was homebound, and visited the wonderful Wendy Ssindy. And, at my age, that's probably way more than enough already.

Thanks for the funnies!
I think I have this one:

Arousal to sucking on a person’s nose

I love licking/kissing/sucking on the tip (never go in the nostrils) when making out.
DallasRain's Avatar
Awwwwwww James babe...never say never...I might just cum get ya some day! I luv ya already!!!

Papa...I have the nose built for that! lol
James1588's Avatar
Awwwwwww babe...never say never...I might just cum get ya some day! I luv ya already!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Keeping my fingers crossed ...
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I LOL'd at most of these (sorry if that's insensitive, I have a weird sense of humor). I never knew how vanilla I really was. I thought I was quite the kinkster
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Xylophilia- Arousal to wood

Thought this was a common thing among women and men that swing that way?

The one that was the craziest to me was a fetish for blackmail. That alone isn't too big a deal, some people get turned on when someone else has that power over them. The thing that threw me was the guy had sent a provider friend of mine all of his and his wife's tax info. Like copies of their returns with their SSN etc in plain view.

If she wasn't an amazing person my provider friend could have turned around and sold that info to identity thieves and ruined the poor, innocent wife's life.
DallasRain's Avatar
What's it called when you like to be bitten??? Neck ? Back? Ass? I heard something about scruffing. ? Interesting. lol.
DallasRain's Avatar
No....scruffing is
a sexual fetish and is generally practiced between two men. Scruffing is most commonly performed as a somewhat sado-masochistic forplay act and is usually coupled with fellatio. Though it first made it's appearance in the gay BDSM, leather, and bathhouse scenes it has begun growing in popularity in recent years. The act is performed by one partner stretching the scrotum of the reciever and using their chin stubble to "Scruff" the recievers scrotum. This causes a variable reaction dependant upon the disposition of the recieving partner. Prolonged scruffing can lead to discomfort and chaffing. Though this is primarily a homosexual act it can be performed man to woman though with the hightened sensitivity of the labia and clitoris it is not as common.

you have
Odaxelagnia is a paraphilia involving sexual arousal through biting, or being bitten. Odaxelagnia is considered a mild form of sadism.[1][2][3] Alfred Kinsey studied Odaxelagnia, reporting that roughly half of all people surveyed had experienced sexual arousal from biting.[4]
Guest010619's Avatar
Is there one for Jell-O?

I’ve always wanted to make love in a cavern, I love tight spaces (pun intended) and sex on the beach which goes together like bacon and eggs.
Make love in a forest primeval on a rainy day with the scent of vegetation around.
In a gentle stream or under a waterfall.
Dallas rain. On Fetlife. ... Scruffing- is something totally TOTALLY...DIFFERENT! INTERESTING!!!
Guest010619's Avatar
you have
Odaxelagnia is a paraphilia involving sexual arousal through biting, or being bitten. Odaxelagnia is considered a mild form of sadism.[1][2][3] Alfred Kinsey studied Odaxelagnia, reporting that roughly half of all people surveyed had experienced sexual arousal from biting.[4]

Shit. That explains why my GF years back tried to bite my face off when she came. She ended up nibbling on my ass.
Can someone briefly explain climacophilia? Sounds more funny than anything. As long as im not the 1 going down the stairs
DallasRain's Avatar
that IS a weird one..