Drinking pineapple juice to make jizz taste good? Ha! Amateurs...

Bobave's Avatar
Here's my experience, ladies.
Bobave's Avatar
Anything different about loading gifs?
moonshiner's Avatar
Drinking pineapple juice to make jizz taste good? Ha! Amateurs...
Here's my experience, ladies. Originally Posted by Bobave
Ewwww you're an experienced pro at sucking cock til you taste jizz?
Bobave's Avatar
Drinking pineapple juice to make jizz taste good? Ha! Amateurs...

Ewwww you're an experienced pro at sucking cock til you taste jizz? Originally Posted by moonshiner
A non sequitur personal attack/disrespect out of left field. That's as gratuitous as it gets. I have RTM'd this bullshit. And I'm experienced at producing sweet-tasting jizz for the ladies, clown.
Bobave's Avatar
Since I couldn't get the gif to load of the money shot, here's what it's from -

pickupkid's Avatar
Trick is make the wife like it.
moonshiner's Avatar
A non sequitur personal attack/disrespect out of left field. That's as gratuitous as it gets. I have RTM'd this bullshit. And I'm experienced at producing sweet-tasting jizz for the ladies, clown. Originally Posted by Bobave
try preview post if you don't know what you are doing.
I couldn't care less if you cried to whoever, I merely used what you have posted yourself.
Only one to do a personal attack is your use of clown.
I think I hear the Waaaambulance now
Bobave's Avatar
try preview post if you don't know what you are doing.
I couldn't care less if you cried to whoever, I merely used what you have posted yourself.
Only one to do a personal attack is your use of clown.
I think I hear the Waaaambulance now Originally Posted by moonshiner
4 posts and 1 review... Sixx, I bet that's you hiding under an alternate handle. Sure sounds like it.
moonshiner's Avatar
Sorry you embarrassed yourself on a national stage, but looking more foolish is not going to serve you well.

Just take pride in you knowing what tasty jizz is best tasting.
Bobave's Avatar
Sorry you embarrassed yourself on a national stage, but looking more foolish is not going to serve you well.

Just take pride in you knowing what tasty jizz is best tasting. Originally Posted by moonshiner
Sounding more and more like Sixx or one of the others in the crew (Whispers, helping Sixx?)..
pyramider's Avatar
I thought whispers was not relevant ...
ICU 812's Avatar
This looks like it could be a resource"

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
New Dude - 3
OP - 0
Sorry, I've got to call 'em as I see 'em. And these haven't been 10 to 9 rounds either. Dude is dealin'.
moonshiner's Avatar
And I'm experienced at producing sweet-tasting jizz for the ladies, clown. Originally Posted by Bobave
I'm not going to ask how you know what your jizz taste like.
SMDH that's gay.
bc7274's Avatar
According to my x i could change the way it tastes by what i eat or drink. Freash fruits and drinks like oj and such were the best.