Booted from Chat for Discussing Politics

I tried to find it but I simply could not locate the rule forbidding the discussion of politics in chat. Could someone point that out to me? Or was I booted instead for pointing out that I wasn't the one who mainly engaged in the discussion or started it? to earn money to pay for the left's birth control and the right's bank bailouts.
Duke of G's Avatar

Chat is not a political or religious forum
One can find the handy-dandy Chat Guidelines by clicking on any name in the chat window and selecting it from the menu.
TY, I stand corrected.
"He started it!"
Is there a time limit on sports talk?

Sometimes that shit gets old least when it's not finals or something.
Thanks for the play by play Angie... Can we get back to the Game Now ?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
they should make a rule to boot all Obama supporters who don't like the cowboys chances this year. Duh
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
they should make a rule to boot all Obama supporters who don't like the cowboys chances this year. Duh Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
i like the cowboys chances this year. they have a great chance of playing 16 games this season.
Red Tex's Avatar
they should make a rule to boot all Obama supporters who don't like the cowboys chances this year. Duh
If that is the rule my mouse should zap me if I get close to the chat button!
Is there a time limit on sports talk? Originally Posted by tntangie
We have a MOD named SPORT, I hope that answers your question. lol
Ladies can talk all they want at half time, ain't that enough? lol

shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 08-29-2012, 06:07 PM
How about ditching the archaic flash-based chat module?
Blubba's Avatar
How about ditching the archaic flash-based chat module? Originally Posted by shlub
Have to agree with this. Flash sucks.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
How about ditching the archaic flash-based chat module? Originally Posted by shlub
Yup. And no web sites should ever have sound by default. Especially stupid sounds like doorbells.
Is there a time limit on sports talk?

Sometimes that shit gets old least when it's not finals or something. Originally Posted by tntangie
I'm confused. There are dudes who log on to this site to discuss sports and politics?

I come to this site to find young women who want to suck my cock.