You can only pick one ladies :)

suiram77's Avatar
This question is for the ladies, I was just curious on how the ladies think.

What would be your preference to date in a RW relationship
Keep in mind Ladies you can only pick one.

1) A really hot guy with a very nice body and great looks

2) An ok looking guy, but he is hung like a donkey and has incredible sex

3) An unattractive guy, but he is wealthy, private jet wealthy

4) A very smart intelligent guy, with a great job, but lacks having 1 2 & 3

Which one you know for a fact that you would have to have in a real relationship?
Grace Preston's Avatar
4. Beyond everything else... I prefer a man who is intelligent and hopefully has a great sense of humor. Looks fade... not all men can have sex forever.. but the mind and personality are what is always there.
suiram77's Avatar
4. Beyond everything else... I prefer a man who is intelligent and hopefully has a great sense of humor. Looks fade... not all men can have sex forever.. but the mind and personality are what is always there. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That's a great answer grace and very true. I just remember that one of the main reasons why I wanted to ask the ladies this in the hobby is because, me and my RW female friends was all talking about this a few times in the past, and I was a lil surprised on how honest they answer was.

There was some that said had to have #1 some said #2 for Damn sure lol, and some flat out said omg #3 all day I can't have a broke (Fill in the blank) lol. Not many said #4, sad but it was there truth. I just wanted to pose the question here to see if it was different on how the providers think.
suiram77's Avatar
I believe we have come along way in life as far as growth in relationships and what we need in them. Ladies please don't chop my head off for saying this , but I just think it's really hard to expect a lady to deny the financial security aspect of being in a relationship with a wealthy man. I have been financially comfortable for a long time, and although I'm not private jet rich, no where near it, from my past experiences I have personally never seen a woman turned away a guy that is well off.

No matter if 1, 2, or 4 was in play or not most have still intentionally or unintentionally in the long run went with 3. I'm sure there is some ladies that is very different and may not care all that much about financial security in a relationship and may require the other things, and that is a good thing nothing wrong with any of that, but I just never seen it go that way in my past experiences.

In my personal opinion all these scenarios is still possible for any woman to be in and be happy with the guy, no matter what he is lacking. I see it every day with my RW friends, which 80 percent of them is females. I have some that is with 1 and will only date 1, and some with 2, and that's all they know, and plenty with 3, and only a very few of my friends are with 4. I even raise the question to 3 of my closet female friends that live in Atlanta about me and I braced myself for the answer lol. I asked if they where to date me in a real relationship what would be their reason, and omg they didn't hold back haha.

Kim told me that her reasons hands down would be because I could take care of her financially and she can quit her job lmao. Wow, but ok I asked lol. Nicole said well (my real name) you have always been attractive to me, and it's obviously you are very smart to be where you are in life . I will say because you are nice looking and generous.

And the last one omg Tonya, is very bold and straight forward, she reminds me of BBW Katrina. She said well, you are not my type, but if I had to say, it will be because you have money, plus Nicole told us you can eat pussy like nobody's business. I said check please time to go lmao.
suiram77's Avatar
Lmao, but SMDH, I will assume most would rather not answer this directly publicly, and I guess this why my friends answer this question privately lol. You can PM your choice if that works better for you hahahha.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Perhaps its my age, but for me personally, 1-3 are all heavily flawed and I've not had a good experience in relationships with any of those 3 scenarios.

If I were 10-15 years younger, my answer might have been different. Life experience teaches you a lot of things.
suiram77's Avatar
Perhaps its my age, but for me personally, 1-3 are all heavily flawed and I've not had a good experience in relationships with any of those 3 scenarios.

If I were 10-15 years younger, my answer might have been different. Life experience teaches you a lot of things. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I respect that grace, and yes age does play a huge part of which way a woman will lean here. I think its also just flat out what's important to you in a relationship, I mean if I had to answer my own question as a guy, then I would certainly have to lean more towards number 2. I am blessed financially, so a woman having money is at the bottom of the barrel for me, a really hot woman I can careless about having in a relationship to much comes with that shit lol, and smart and intelligent, well that can be taught. Now great sex and really great head I have to have, otherwise I can promise you I will be cheating lol. Just being honest