So the Orange Clown in Chief Got Impeached.

  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 01:05 AM

I want to hear from both sides but lets keep it civil and respectful. (the lack of civility in the Political Forum makes it unappealing to me.)
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 04:51 AM
whether he is a Russian double agent-probably kgb-in deep cover or merely a Russian asset isn't the topic of this thread, so sisto don't even go there. personally, i don't think its relevant that every single one of his geopolitical moves benefits one country and one country alone-Russia. and the fact that a Trump tower moscow (and some hooker pissing tapes) might explain everything i also don't find particularly germane.

#releasethetrumpputintranscrip ts..
I live in Texas, he lifted a lifted a lot of restrictions on oil and gas, were booming here, I'm Ok with him
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 05:28 AM
^^my understanding is Hitler presided over one of the greatest economic expansions in German history. And what he did for the German judiciary-well don't even get me started on that one. but in Hitler's defense, he never put children in cages, so there's that..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
whether he is a Russian double agent-probably kgb-in deep cover or merely a Russian asset isn't the topic of this thread, so sisto don't even go there. personally, i don't think its relevant that every single one of his geopolitical moves benefits one country and one country alone-Russia. and the fact that a Trump tower moscow (and some hooker pissing tapes) might explain everything i also don't find particularly germane.

#releasethetrumpputintranscrip ts.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Lol you already went there so no need for me to talk about something that was never on my mind to begin with. Nice way to use me as click bait for your thread. I ain't even mad at cha.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
But I do have a question for ya.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 05:37 AM
Lol you already went there so no need for me to talk about something that was never on my mind to begin with. Nice way to use me as click bait for your thread. I ain't even mad at cha.

Smh Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
irony sir. it's a thing. feel free to go there. its goddam relevant that Trump has placed and continues to place the well being of Russia above the well-being of the United States. there are high crimes and misdemeanors. and there is treason. as Trump correctly pointed out, treason is a capital offense.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-19-2019, 05:45 AM
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Putin has tapes of Russian hookers pissing on him and pegging his ass in the Kremlin so he's compelled to do what they say. If they release those tapes to the world Trump will commit suicide. So he has to commit treason against his own country. His dumb ass had no idea that all Americans of Business and influence that visit the Kremlin are automatically recorded and videotaped in their hotels. This has always been a well known fact since the 90's how his dumbass didn't know this is another story.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ohh BTW China and Saudi Arabia does this as well. I've never been to China but I've been to Saudi.
It's thank God for Trump, 2020
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 07:18 AM
^^well after all, he is the "chosen one." just shield your wife or girlfriend from his unwanted french kissing-felonious battery and assault-as well as "grabbing her by the pussy." allegedly, she'll "let him do it" because he's a celebrity, and, well, President of the United States and leader of the free world. and he is so persecuted, he deserves your wife. life for a president elected with Putin's help, and a poor poor billionaire, is just so patently and manifestly unfair. he got treated more unfairly than Jesus, who, by the way, is a sorry excuse of a hero when compared to Trump's peerlessness. trump is the completion of what Jesus was shooting for but came up short. "sorry jesus, i prefer a chosen one who doesn't get captured and crucified"..
boardman's Avatar
Do y'all even know what the 2 articles of impeachment are for.

Here's a hint. It's got nothing to do with Russia.

This Senate trial will not convict Trump if it even gets started. It will be just as partisan as the hearings. Summary judgement is an option. Pelosi is already trying to control how the Senate conducts a trial saying she won't hand over the articles until she can agree to the rules of the trial. She wants to prevent Trumps lawyers and the Senate from being able to subpoena and question anyone they want for any reason they want. In all the hearings that the house held there was one fact witness who had nothing. Everyone else was asked for opinions and the Republicans exposed them all. Fucking laughable.

The Senate may call fact witnesses like James Comey, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan , James Clapper, hell they could even call Barack Obama. The trial could take months, dirt will be dug up and charges referred to the Department of Justice. If the Senate drags it out long enough that may just be your October surprise.

People in flyover country are tired of this shit. Congress hasn't done a damn thing since 2016 but fight over Russian collusion and now this. Nothing on healthcare, no welfare reforms, VA is still a clusterfuck and spending is still out of control but attention has been diverted. Now that they pass the articles of impeachment the house is going to pass the USMCA so they can hang their hats on something. All the while the far right and far left are eating this shit up.

40000 deplorables stood all day in sub freezing temperatures just to be a part of a Trump rally last night. It happens time and time again, wherever he goes. Those people don't participate in polls, they vote and they are pissed.

There is some validity in the argument that Trump can stir the masses. Comparisons to Hitler are a desperate attempt to demonize him. BTW Obama was the one that started putting kids in cages. Trump ended it.

Trump lives for this shit. He will, most likely, make lemonade and win 2020 in a landslide that the Dems are already trying to invalidate because not only will Trump win the Dems are seriously at risk of losing the House. Attempts at invalidating any 2020 results have already started. They will be ratcheted up in earnest after the first of the year and ahead of the Iowa Caucuses.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 08:07 AM
^^well argued sir. you had nothing to work with and yet you did well. i give props where props are due.

do you have any idea how many common sense bills have been passed by the House that McConnell won't even bring to a floor vote, because he knows they must pass or he'd look like a clown?

McConnell needs to join me back by the woodshed. i'd wipe that silly grin off his turtle face faster than you can say scam trial. McConnell needs to recuse himself since he's clearly stated he is unable to be impartial and has already made up his mind irrespective of the evidence presented. to be struck for cause, peremptory challenges be damned. and as for that faggot Lindsay Graham, John McCain-and the founding fathers-are turning over in their graves. (btw, didn't Graham get the memo that faggots like him have no place in the Republican Party?)
boardman's Avatar
^^well after all, he is the "chosen one." just shield your wife or girlfriend from his unwanted french kissing-felonious battery and assault-as well as "grabbing her by the pussy." allegedly, she'll "let him do it" because he's a celebrity, and, well, President of the United States and leader of the free world. and he is so persecuted, he deserves your wife. life for a president elected with Putin's help, and a poor poor billionaire, is just so patently and manifestly unfair. he got treated more unfairly than Jesus, who, by the way, is a sorry excuse of a hero when compared to Trump's peerlessness. trump is the completion of what Jesus was shooting for but came up short. sorry jesus, real heroes don't get captured and crucified.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Well damn, You and SC still can't decide if the guy is a bull or a cuck.

Your feigned outrage and double standard is a joke.

Has he stuck his dick in a White house intern or stuck a cigar in her pussy and then smoked it?

How about Biden sniffing women's hair while he touches their shoulders in a creepy kind of way.

Liberals want to compare our policies to other countries, mostly western European, all the time. Well take a look at some of the past and present prime ministers and their known mistresses. France kind of looks the other way with a sneer like pretty much anything else they don't really give a fuck about. An Italian PM is pretty much expected to have a mistress. The tabloids were practically picking out the next mistress for Silvio Berlusconi out of the hundreds if not thousands of women who were trying to attract his attention. He had several mistresses. The only problem with it was everyone had their own favorite.