"All Good Things...."

I have decided it is time to bring my participation on this forum to an end. It is not something I wanted to do, but I have been driven to do so by users here.

As most will know, back in Feb I posted a reply to a comment from a provider then, named Kyla, who was changing her menu. My reply brought forth a lot of hate mail and threats to me. These were at first directed to me via personal messages here, and then my registered email address started receiving the threats and hate mail. This has gone on weekly since Feb and frankly, I am tired of it. I have never given my email address out to anyone, other than to register for this site. Yet somehow a number of posters have access to it and harass me. This is something I can not of course present to law, because then I would have to reveal participation here. I have sent off numerous PMs to various moderators of old and to the site owners, but no replies ever come. So I have decided that the users here have won, I am quitting the forum and the hobby all together.

I would hope I have contributed here with reviews, some common sense when none is present, and by opening up with the topic of E.D. when not many are willing to discuss that. IN that last topic, I had received 50/50 praises and harassment for broaching the topic. But the ideal that some here would take pleasure in the means of harassment that I have received is disgusting.

To the current moderators, I am not asking that my account be deleted or turned off, in case I choose to return at some later date.
Are you being emailed via the board, or directly? If via the board you can disable that feature, you can disable PMs too.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Livonia, dont let the "haters" win....dont go
Are you being emailed via the board, or directly? If via the board you can disable that feature, you can disable PMs too. Originally Posted by hyperkine
I will be leaving at the end of the day, btw, but I was receiving emails and PMs at both the board emails, and then "somehow" my private real world email I used to register here was given out. I have a guess who passed this out, but that person is gone. Most emails come to my real world email account, which is used only for access to this site.

Yes I know one can disable emails, but the point is why should I remain where I am not welcome?
  • MrGiz
  • 10-20-2010, 01:33 PM

I believe you are welcome here.... just try to limit the above.
Hey %^&* ^%*,

If you got the number of harassing emails and threats I have received from users from here, you would be pissed too. Or are you one of the ass holes, just wanting me to stick around for you to continue sick games? You may be, may not, but I am tired of being threatened and fucked with here. So take your whining sign and shove it. I was going to stick around the rest of the day, but this asshole has proven there is no reason to stick it out. Enjoy your forums everyone.

I believe you are welcome here.... just try to limit the above. Originally Posted by MrGiz
Seriously Livonia, weren't you the one just whining about a girl hanging up on you after you jerked her around and wasted her time by not doing your own research? I'm willing to bet that if the whining stops, the emails may stop as well. I haven't personally sent you any emails, but I'll admit that I damn sure wanted to after your pseudo review where you were deservedly hung up on.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Just disable email and PM's for a while. Keep on enjoying the ladies you have had good times with. Everyone has different personalities, and some will clash. Most members on the board probably have some who don't like them and others who do. When we disagree, can't we disagree in an amiable fashion?
Livonia, back in Feb when your personal shit-storm started, I was one of your defenders. I'm sorry if it has continued. The board can be a valuable source of information. Either lurk, participate or go away. But don't subject us to the whining. Take a break from the hobby and use the dollars to pay a shrink.
Honorable gentleman appear not to find receptive or sympathetic ear in tough room. Perhaps new topic in order. Suggest " the hobby is not what it was in the old days." Everybody love that one, and of course that would not be whining. No matter how many times repeated.

Do You sign on here everyday Livonia for these haters???lol No You Sign On So YOU Can See Us Woman In The Game Right? SO BE A PLAYER...

Fuck the haters!!!!!!!

S-T-A-Y & end this thread!

Do You sign on here everyday Livonia for these haters???lol No You Sign On So YOU Can See Us Woman In The Game Right? SO BE A PLAYER...

Fuck the haters!!!!!!!

S-T-A-Y & end this thread! Originally Posted by MissDreams

I think this sums things up pretty nicely.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-21-2010, 10:54 AM
So..... it's perfectly fine for Mr Livonia to publically question a very well respected lady's self worth , as he has in the past.... but it's not okay to state one's opinion on his prolific whining, which he has founded much of his membership upon?!?!

Political Correctness, Run Amuk?

Hypocritically over-sensitive?

Just Plain Whiny?

All of the above?

Or.... just My Imagination?

MacTheKnife's Avatar

Do You sign on here everyday Livonia for these haters???lol No You Sign On So YOU Can See Us Woman In The Game Right? SO BE A PLAYER...

Fuck the haters!!!!!!!

S-T-A-Y & end this thread! Originally Posted by MissDreams
Well that'll just about cover the fly-bys....

Livonia- Use the IGNORE BUTTON....Ur too sweet of a guy to let this bs take you way from the hobby..

My reply brought forth a lot of hate mail and threats to me. These were at first directed to me via personal messages here, and then my registered email address started receiving the threats and hate mail. This has gone on weekly since Feb and frankly, I am tired of it. I have never given my email address out to anyone, other than to register for this site. Yet somehow a number of posters have access to it and harass me.
I would hope I have contributed here with reviews, some common sense when none is present, and by opening up with the topic of E.D. when not many are willing to discuss that. Originally Posted by Livonia
You have the RIGHT to be here as any of us.

Now.. I can see how he would be upset about getting hate emails to his real life account or even a pm and that nothing has been done about it. If it was some other member(insert what u wish) I am sure it would of been taken care of by now. I would think that Hate mail and threats would be a SECURITY ISSUE

You have the RIGHT to be here as any of us.

I sure I will get some bs for this but I really don't care... what anyone thinks of me... I am here and I am staying..

Thought this place was to gather info???? Now it's more like DRAMA City.

Such Shame... Why is just our state??? We need more LUVing and less drama..
