My laptop was stolen from my apartment by a neighbor I let hang with me and my friends. He came over this Friday and I left to stay the night at a friends house Saturday. When I came back Monday I was wondering where it was since I use it so much.
I use this laptop every chance I get. I'm obsessed about making music! I write with the program called Garage Band which come with every single MacBook. I'm so pissed it's gone!
So I called the cops that Monday morning and so thrilled to see them come when I'm supposed to be having clients there! Not! Not happy at all to have cops over! Anyway... one cop comes in the morning to take a report, and another in the afternoon to take fingerprints! So I hope the Fucker gets caught!!! I hope he goes to jail and gets beat up! I'm so mad!
Well anywho... I'm asking my men for gift cards to Best Buy if they want to help me out with getting a new laptop. This time I'll make sure it never leaves my site!
Well thanks for listening to my story I just wanted to share with you how I had a messed up thing happen and I know you all would support me cause this is a great and loving community I'm a part of.
Misty Sky,