Question of outing non member

Just a hypothetical

Let's say a member here meets a hot (by his opinion) utr has a great time reviews her and recommends her strongly
Said member is not a VP or member of excuse

After writing review said reviewer stumbles across on social media some real life info that might at least cause a pause to reflect on possible pitfalls w repeating or referring said provider

Should referring member avoid any mention of real life info even if by doing so another member might see the woman and end up taking a flashlight to the head

Are these the results we r wanting

Just pondering a couple what ifs in my mind
If she isn't a member, you can out her with no repercussions, but the mods will remove/edit the info when they see it.

Better to just add a comment to the effect that you found her on social media and she has evidence of PT issues. PM for details...
Why "out" anyone? What is the satisfaction there? Add to that the chain reaction that something like that could create. If we actually enjoy this "Hobby" why are we so determined to screw it up? Just my two cents.
<Hit post too soon> While understanding the circumstances and reading the Alert section, the situation plain sucks, however the more attention that is drawn to this, the more we are all at risk. It encourages much more than the one unfortunate circumstance. If you think we are the only ones reading this are members and hobbyist with an interest, then my guess is we are all sadly mistaken.
<Hit post too soon> While understanding the circumstances and reading the Alert section, the situation plain sucks, however the more attention that is drawn to this, the more we are all at risk. It encourages much more than the one unfortunate circumstance. If you think we are the only ones reading this are members and hobbyist with an interest, then my guess is we are all sadly mistaken. Originally Posted by afriendfromthenorth1
My intention is to never out anyone and in fact I had a spectacular time. My problem is that by stumbling across some info I would never ever consider making public on a social media site I may have seen a few things that might make one think twice before booking

The recent alert and other bad experience A few members had makes me wonder if a heads up may have saved a few folks some headaches both literally and figuratively
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My problem is that by stumbling across some info I would never ever consider making public on a social media site I may have seen a few things that might make one think twice before booking Originally Posted by tinyisgreat

Don't know if it really would've mattered much. It's one thing potentially getting into an altercation with the gal's BF. But lets face it, when it comes to skinny attractive gals, guys will tolerate a lot of nonsense. Red flags don't matter as much when the gal is a cutie and thin.
Write up what you want, then PM it to a Mod for their review.