68 instead of 69

get1bj's Avatar
While making love, he says:
- Darling, let's do 68!
- 68??? What's that?
- You do it to me and I'll owe you one
oh hell no! the man in my bed would get slapped!
get1bj's Avatar
you are fiesty and I like that, will you just take charge in the bedroom?
Did you get my apolgoy? you little butt hole
lmdao yes i got your apology and YES I AM A FIESTY ONE...
pst...ask around with these guys lol just how feisty i really am
bluffcityguy's Avatar
lmdao yes i got your apology and YES I AM A FIESTY ONE...
pst...ask around with these guys lol just how feisty i really am Originally Posted by elegantbelinda
I for one, will acknowledge that I would never want to piss Belinda off. If I did, I'd just retire from the hobby, move (preferably to Antarctica) and still be watching very carefully for hitmen while praying she doesn't hire any ninjas...

(Oh shit. Did I just give her an idea? )


lmfao your a dork bcg!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
lmfao your a dork bcg! Originally Posted by elegantbelinda
And proud of it!


get1bj's Avatar
She is oriental and probably knows all that ninja stuff...lets piss her off and watch her jump around with her panties showing. Then I will show her how sorry I am for days and let her have all my money. A strong woman is so SEXY.. I LOVE YOU MISS B...Curse me out please!!!!!
I will be at your service, call me bitch boy....
Help me BCG, she just tied me to her bed wearing and made me wear her panties.
Lowgear might help me or her.. owwwwch
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Help me BCG, she just tied me to her bed wearing her panties. Originally Posted by get1bj
How did her bed manage to put on her panties?


get1bj's Avatar
bluffcityguy's Avatar

But I must be honest. If it weren't for Groucho Marx, I'd have probably never thought of it:

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I don't know.
--Captain Jeffrey T. Spaulding (Groucho Marx), Animal Crackers


elcid180's Avatar
bj with Belinda you dont have to worry about what to do she will tell in no uncertain terms. She made it easy to have fun she was in charge all the way. Looking forward to seeing you Ms.B
MyKindaParty's Avatar
lmdao yes i got your apology and YES I AM A FIESTY ONE...
pst...ask around with these guys lol just how feisty i really am Originally Posted by elegantbelinda
Sounds like someone should come down and give you a good ole spankin'.
give who a spanking? ME? hmmm, my cheeks arent to be primed by a pair of hands unless it is lovingly. hard and i will tie whoever's ass up to my bed and beat them with a cat of nine tails until uncle is screamed.

get1bj, lol, im with bcg, how in the hell does a bed manage to put on my panties? baby, did you get a little excited thinking about my dangerous curves in a form fitting, black jumpsuit with my face covered with the exception of my mischevious eyes glinting out from underneath? mmm, that might be hot lol. or maybe it was the thought of me jumping around in panties, pissed to the hilt with some black eyes, with my big boobs flopping in the wind like grandma klump lmao?

now i can beg for lowgear to assist me if you would like, as i would love to get in his pants one day hehe!
get1bj's Avatar
Mykindaparty, don't you dare lay one hair on little butthole (miss B)!!!!!!!
Where the hell is lowgear?
You want him and he hasn't seen you yet? what a idiot. Are you scared of
her Lowgear? damn Pussy
So can I watch? You can beat his azz Miss B.
I will wear your panties and you can tie me to your bed.
BCG can tell us what we are saying and doing wrong since you like being the teacher.
Vic will fly down with his talons and snatch her up after she makes me fall in love.