Sharyl Attkisson sues the DOJ

Now this is what I'm talking about...

'Challenging the federal government': Sharyl Attkisson sues the DOJ

The lawsuit was filed on Nov. 19 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia,...
Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, whose coverage of the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, has earned her both high praise and harsh criticism, has launched a lawsuit against the Department of Justice, demanding access to FBI documents that involve her personally.

The now-senior independent contributor to the Daily Signal, a conservative online news outlet based at the Heritage Foundation, alleges that during her final months as a correspondent for CBS News, her personal and work computers were hacked as she continued to produce often unfavorable reports on the Obama administration.

"I am hoping to get information that sheds light on a number of problems I’ve been dealing with," Attkisson told the Washington Examiner's media desk Friday evening. "One of the items the FBI is withholding is information surrounding a case they opened on my computer intrusions, which lists me as the victim."

"Yet they never told me they opened the case, never interviewed me, and won’t produce material relevant to the case or the case file. The case has to progress through court and, historically, the government drags it out (at taxpayer expense). So it’s unclear when, if ever, we might receive the documents to which we are entitled," she said.

Attkisson is joined in her lawsuit by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group.

“That I’ve had to sue to get my own FBI file is concerning,” she said earlier this week in a joint statement with Judicial Watch. “This administration has a terrible record in respecting the First Amendment rights of journalists.”

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton added: “We know from the emails we have already obtained that the Obama White House and the Justice Department sought to silence this courageous reporter. Now, we need to find out just how far they went."

The lawsuit was filed on Nov. 19, 2014, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

In it, the lawsuit demands: “Any and all records concerned, regarding or relating to Sharyl Attkisson. Such records include, but are not limited to, records of background checks of Sharyl Attkisson, records of communications, contacts, or correspondence between Sharyl Attkisson and employees, officials or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and records of investigations concerning or regarding Sharyl Attkisson as a victim…”

But what does she hope to accomplish with her lawsuit?

"To me, the endgame is challenging the federal government for its unlawful responses to FOI requests on a wide range of matters and topics," Attkisson told the Examiner. "If nobody challenges them, they will continue escalating the unlawful practices (at taxpayer expense) and the public and press will relinquish the rights we are supposed to have to access public information that we own."

Attkisson is not joined in her lawsuit by the Daily Signal, the website’s editor in chief and Heritage Foundation digital director Rob Bluey told the Examiner.

Judicial Watch did not responded to the Examiner’s request for comment.
BigLouie's Avatar
Is this the woman who mistook a stuck key on her keyboard for someone hacking her computer
Is this the woman who mistook a stuck key on her keyboard for someone hacking her computer Originally Posted by BigLouie
No that was you, BigSheep.
LexusLover's Avatar
I was wondering why this website got sluggish all of a sudden, and my keyboard started responding like a manual with a cloth ribbon. These controversial threads stir 'em up.
rioseco's Avatar
This might have garnered some attention had it come from the Huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post or some other liberal rag. Ask James Rosen if any of the liberal media cares that he was targeted by Obama and Eric "The Racist" Holder.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the FUCK are you trying to say, rio?

That everybody's against the RWWipes and its pet blogs?

That The Daily Signal is a more credible source of information than the New York Times?

the last sentence doesn't maker sense in any context.

Read your shit before you post it, rio.

You're embarrassing your self-admitted hero, IBIdiot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the FUCK are you trying to say, rio?

That everybody's against the RWWipes and its pet blogs?

That The Daily Signal is a more credible source of information than the New York Times?

the last sentence doesn't maker sense in any context.

Read your shit before you post it, he-bitch.

You're embarrassing your self-admitted hero, IBIdiot.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is a case where even the libtards should be upset (they are susposed to believe in freedom of the press and all that) but their feigned outrage is only against administrations if they are ran by a republican. If Bush was president when this happened they would be calling for an impeachment hearing but you can see that idiots like Tampon throw out some stupid comment instead.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is there an echo in here? Or is someone getting hysterical.

YouRong doesn't know about Rosen, apparently.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is there an echo in here? Or is someone getting hysterical.

YouRong doesn't know about Rosen, apparently. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yea, I like the double mint twins edit... fucking Shit Eater
Yssup Rider's Avatar
fucking Shit Eater Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You're a great guy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I hope she wins. She should win, but our justice system at times lacks adherence to principles of Liberty and transparency.
LexusLover's Avatar
For anyone who was remotely conscious during the Nixon years, this lawsuit will expose the hypocrisy of the current administration as so called "liberals," if they even attempt to dispute her right to have full disclosure of all the documents ... obtained from her computer. Transparency? We'll see.
This administration isn't "liberal", they are self-admitted "progressives"...big difference.