help for Onix

I need your help admin and this is urgent, The provider Onix has reviews under Other providers and a couple of her reviews have her picture, well her babies daddy is a provider I guess and he took screen shots of her reviews that have her pic and phone number and now he's taking them to Child Protective Services to try and take away her kids, she called me frantically about 5 min ago asking how to delete the review or just the pic, I know this post is also incriminating for her but I'm just trying to get her pic off eccie. if admin wants to call or text her, please do so at (210) 318-9915.
Precious_b's Avatar
She's going to have to contact the staff herself.

BTW, if her "babies daddy" is posting those pictures, he is burning his own bridge along with trying to torch hers.
Indeed. If she wants that done, then she needs to make that request herself. I recommend emailing the administrators directly from the email that is attached to her ECCIE profile, or sending a PM to the moderators.

Since she is not a member, she will have to prove who she is.

Additionally, the posters of the pics will have to request them removed.

There is no proof that the chicks pics were not pulled from any social media page.

But... Good job by putting the spotlight on her by not contacting the staff privately.
ck1942's Avatar
Escorting is not illegal.

Providing might be but if not done in the same place as the kids it should not necessarily affect custody.

CPS only wants the kids in a safe environment meaning mom is doing her best to provide for their welfare.

Anyhow, who can say for sure that the lady's profile is really her and not a stolen identity complete with stolen personal photos!

Baby daddies are well known for trying all sorts of scams and schemes to wrest custody away and reduce their financial obligations.

Heck, I know a former provider, well, mostly former, who now is a CPS caseworker. And we still have funners on a regular basis, but she's no longer a red head darnit.
21spurs's Avatar
Who gives a shit. Just take things down. Why In the world would anyone want a spot light on this bad ass board. I always thought she was a flake and flakes spread there shit.