is back

Hey they just launched on the 12th. Tell your provider to join!
jokacz's Avatar
No Rochester? But they have Buffalo? WTF are they thinking?
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Does anyone know who runs/owns it?? In other words. is it the company that was busted via FBI and IRS??

  • Chloe
  • 09-18-2011, 11:33 PM
Good question SE!!! I just spoke to the owners of aimoo and escortstoo, maybe they will pop on and answer some questions here!!
My name is Grace Miller. I am the owner of I wanted to answer a few of your questions and hopefully put your mind at ease. I am not affiliated with any LE agency, nor am I affiliated with anyone from the former I am a retired provider/agency owner. When closed, I thought there is going to be a need for a site like that in the escort/client community, only the new owner had better take heed and learn from the mistakes that made. So, I decided to take this on myself.

One of the biggest mistakes that made was allowing free profiles. This allowed underage girls to put profiles on their site very easily. They did nothing to verify anyone's age. Then when they got busted, they rushed to get everyone's debit/credit card for age verification, not realizing one very important law. It is illegal to request debit/credit card information from the customer, without the intent of charging the card. I request debit/credit card information from everyone who joins the site, for age verification, and wishes to make their profile searchable. One more thing, we are hosted in another country on a protected, private server, where all is legal.

I understand everyone's hesitation. But I am here to clear my name, explain everything to you, answer any questions, and hopefully make you feel a little more confident about the site, so we can make work for everyone. I am by no way finished with the site. There will be monthly upgrades to it with more amenities for everyone. I would really like to hear from everyone if you think of a good idea. Please don't hesitate to send me an email. I read every single one of them.

(Jokacz - We put the top cities on the "City List", however, when an escort joins, whichever zip code she puts in is where her profile will show up. So if she puts Rochester's zip code, then when you search that city it will show up. You will just have to search it by zip code. Like, we couldn't put every single city on the list.)

If anyone has any more questions, please feel free to email me at
jokacz's Avatar had a Rochester section that was larger than Buffalo's which looked more like Craigslist. Searching by zip code is unnecessarily cumbersome. had a Rochester section that was larger than Buffalo's which looked more like Craigslist. Searching by zip code is unnecessarily cumbersome. Originally Posted by jokacz
Okay, I will let my Software Engineer know and we will get it added to the City List. had a Rochester section that was larger than Buffalo's which looked more like Craigslist. Searching by zip code is unnecessarily cumbersome. Originally Posted by jokacz
By the way, I love your quote about Dreamers.
how about setting up a discussion board?maybe something lightly moderated without bias and a strong emphasis on freedom of speach and truth?
how about setting up a discussion board?maybe something lightly moderated without bias and a strong emphasis on freedom of speach and truth? Originally Posted by goldrod
Hi Goldrod & Everyone,
That would be a huge undertaking at this moment, but definitely may be something we look into next year sometime.

Somethings we are doing right now are:
Tightening up the search engine
Working out all the little bugs
Adding new things as we see we need them on the site
Adding a VIP upgrade feature for the Standard Escort Members who wish to upgrade after they have already signed up for the Standard
Building the Client Connect feature
Building the Zip Code Finder
Talking about a Banner Exchange page

Somethings that we are looking into after the first of the year...
Making the site mobile
A feature for the touring and appointment schedules where the Escorts can download them to their phone calendars

Please send me your suggestions to I read all of the emails, myself. And yes...I do have a "Great Ideas" file!

Goodnight Everyone!
  • Chloe
  • 09-20-2011, 02:42 AM
Grace I highly advise you not to take too much advice from the guys who post here. We have a lot of loud mouthed trouble makers here. Note that the message is always greater than the messenger as well, so listen just don't take merit in the messengers advice as golden

Good luck my lady!!
Hi Grace and Thank you for your quick response. I am looking forward to following the developement of your site.
how about setting up a discussion board?maybe something lightly moderated without bias and a strong emphasis on freedom of speach and truth? Originally Posted by goldrod
Welcome back Jon, bye bye...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
how about setting up a discussion board?maybe something lightly moderated without bias and a strong emphasis on freedom of speach and truth? Originally Posted by goldrod
Welcome back Jon, bye bye... Originally Posted by Docdave
gee I wonder why he wants lightly moderated
jokacz's Avatar
OSD, that black hole, did you detect any odor? OOPS! wrong thread. ;-)