Abbot, Trump, and What Is Going On

ICU 812's Avatar
I first voted in the elections of 1972 between McGovern and Nixon. At his p[oint in my life some fifty years later, I have been deeply disappointed in both Republican office holders and Democrats alike. By "disappointed" I mean mislead and lied to.

In like manner, I have seen deeply disturbing personal character flaws and immoral behavior by office holders in both parties.

There does not seem to be much correlation between office holders of high moral character and effective leadership or implime3ntation of effective policy. For instance, both Ronald Reagan and and Jimmy carter were "good men" but differed in effective eldership on the world stage and on national issues.

With that said, my discriminator when choosing a candidate to vote for is their history or track record when it comes to the issues important to me.

One prominent example of this practice was the support President Cliton got from major feminist groups despite his blatant record of misogamy . . .because, in their view, he was "right" on abortion.

Currently, I would support a candidate who is committed to regaining control of the Nation's borders through enforcing existing federal laws. While I am not a strong supporter of Gov Abbot of Texas for a number of reasons related to local politics, I am strongly in favor of his current actions in Eagle Pass. For similar reasons I am a strong supporter of Candidate Trump despite his known character and personality.

Neither man is someone I'd like to see as a member of my Neighborhood association or school b board because of their personality and character, but, in my view, both are "right" when it comes to our borders and the larger issue of immigration, legal and otherwise.
Ripmany's Avatar
How in the f*** do you expect me to know