Ryan Samsel Jan 6 riot instigator

VitaMan's Avatar
And there is actual real video.....I am sure the conspiracy theorists that drag up FBI plots and Ray Epps undercover ideas will enjoy learning the truth of what happened

A Jan. 6 rioter who prosecutors argued was a key instigator that led to the takeover of the U.S. Capitol was convicted of multiple felonies on Friday, alongside four co-defendants.

Ryan Samsel was one of the first—and possibly the first—person to push through barricades and throw them at officers at what is known as the Peace Circle.

Investigators said there were photos and videos that showed Samsel was the rioter responsible for knocking a U.S. Capitol officer unconscious after hurling a barricade at her.

That action is believed to have cleared the way for a wave of rioters to flood into the U.S. Capitol. s id Samsel and four other men continued their violence, fighting with officers as they encouraged others to push ahead.

“These are the defendants who started it,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexandra F. Foster said in her closing arguments. “There is little doubt that this moment ignited a fire that lasted around the Capitol for hours… They started the Capitol breach. Now they must take responsibility.”

Samsel never took the stand in his defense
VitaMan's Avatar
How did this guy make America great again ?

Ripmany's Avatar
I wasn't a riot stop lieing, need points spreading false facts.