DO NOT waste your time with Alayna Seduction!

Ok, so despite the thread on here about her horrible TCB skills I figured I would give her the benefit of the doubt and book with her yesterday. Let me tell you that this was a HUGE mistake. This girl is such a damn flake. We had a 2:30 appt booked and she texts me asking if I can meet earlier. After adjusting my schedule to make 2:00 work she is happy. I live over an hour away and had to drive in to see her. I get into town around 1:30 and text her asking if she wants to meet even earlier. NO ANSWER. 1:45 another text for a more specific location than 290/35, NO ANSWER. Mind you, our appt is scheduled for 2:00. 2:00 comes and still no return texts. 2:15 one last text. NO ANSWER.. I know SHOCKER right! I head to McD's at Capital plaza to re group and get on my super cool smart phone to find another lady as I got the hunger for some pink taco. See Gemma's ad in the Welcome Wagon section. Shoot her a txt on a whim. Text back saying she is free and near 290/35. Fifteen minutes later I am in her room. Review to follow.

Oh, around 7:00PM Alayna starts texting me with some lame ass excuse that she laid down so she could be rested for me when I got there and fell asleep. This might have been a valid excuse had she not already had a history of flaking on guys here.

Bottom Line fellas, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, waste your time or energy on this flaky chick Alayna Seduction.
Sorry to hear that.
Dude that just sucks, glad plan B worked out.
perhaps she has narcoplepsy?

oh wait BigMac, doesnt this post make a bitter person with nothing better to do?
Parsifal's Avatar
Wow...I truly hoped my experience was a fluke. Sadly, this is looking like a trend.

Oh well, it's not the first nor will it be the last time we read this story. For those of you that are reading this, you've been warned. Twice.
Thanks Big65mac and Parsifal , warning heard here!
Didn't someone warn you guys about how she took money upfront from someone before and never paid them back, I remember reading something about that when she was using a different handle here on your research and you would have never wasted your time..
Ally - I love reading your posts. You are a tiny, little lady, but you pack a strong punch!
Hey Bmac, sorry to hear u had a bad time ! Glad planned B worked out for you...and fast !