Noisy Establishments—Unacceptable.

Please, if you run an establishment,keep the noise down. My last visit it sounded like a full grown howler monkey in the hallway. He was not a customer but he sure though he was something. He about ruined my visit and I will not carry my money to that place again. Up and down the hallway his howler monkey self was just a howling.

Low tones and whisper talk is the only acceptable thing. Places also need white noise machines in the hallway along with sound stopping foam in a few places to stop standing sound waves. A spa should have the sound and feel of a place of peace.
Guitar's Avatar
Is there a Review coming forth on this establishment?
No Review needed. The ignorance of some people is absolutely amazing.

Pure stupidity.
I was referring to the howler. Not Guitar!
dj8rocks's Avatar
I was referring to the howler. Not Guitar! Originally Posted by Olmarstar
Thank you for clarification
Hello guitar might have been the howler he may have had bitch make him howl at the moon lmao
Vachon's Avatar
I was in a place in Houston, TX like that a few years back. I was in a session with a young lady and the OTHER GIRLS (not in session) were in the next room . Some girl who seemed to speak like a "seasoned veteran" regailing the other girls with her experiences was talking so loud that it sounded like she was in the same room. Not so hard to imagine though since this was one of those places where the walls did not go all the way to the ceiling. If LE were anywhere within a block of the place they would have overheard her confession. LOL