Apparently you didn't read my last post. I'm just like you someone who is entitle to their opinion. I meant absolutely NO DESRESPECT!
Now that’s the kind of comeback that changes peoples opinions!
This was sincere.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
Actually I hadn't seen that last post because I was in the process of typing my response to your previous post, which I thought was rather rude and insulting. The truth is I think you mean well and you're only concerned about the girls who are getting taken advantage of by pimps and users. I don't doubt that you're actually a nice guy in real life.
I've met a few of these girls who work for or have worked for pimps. Most or all of them have substance abuse issues and are metally unstable. They have all kinds of emotional damage from their rough upbringings and are just in really bad shape. I couldn't work with a lady like that even if I tried. So they end up with a pimp who takes advantage of their situation and who usually ends up mistreating them. It's just a sad situation all the way around.
The ladies I work with are 100% drug free. I know that for a fact. They are smart, responsible, independent women. And yes, like you pointed out earlier, our agency has been here a long time and I don't think you'll find anyone on this board who could find anything negative to say about us.