Where are the talking heads?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One thing you could always count on from our media, they always showed up when there is suffering. From a missing jet, starving children in some god forsaken country in Africa, massacred people in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Mexico our media was there with graphic video.

We have a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. The president has said so. He called it a "humanitarian crisis". So where is the coverage? No video of tear streaked faces of children. No interviews of crying parents in Central America as they send their children away. Where are the Hollywood stars raising money (and billions are needed) for food, medicine, and shelter? Where are Sean Penn, Danny Glover, or Michael Moore?

Is the problem that a narrative would have to be created to explain why this is happening? Remember Rwanda, Sudan, Somalia, and Katrina? They only have one person to blame....Obama. Do you think that is part of the problem?

While talking about the "problem" at the border, why are we not taking photos of these "refugees". At the very least we should photograph and fingerprint each and every human crossing the border. Worried about a terrorist a year from now being identified as a border jumper this week? Florida suffered after the Mariel Boat Lift and we are to see the Southwest suffer the same way.

Any terrorist could walk across our border right now. There is no enforcement. The fence was never built (the democrats lied and the GOP went along).

Back to the OP, we have more video coverage from Iraq than we do from Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, or California. Even United States senators are being denied the right to video on their phones.

Of course we have seen this before.....Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia in the 1940s at places like Dachau, Belson, Auschwitz, Treblinka, etc. What do they have to hide and why is the media acting like a beaten dog?