The Face Of Pure Evil

These two thugs wantonly, and savagely gunned down a woman in an attempt to pull off a carjacking.

The death chamber in Huntsville awaits. I doubt I will be around to see it, as It will take 20 years.

What is society's answer when faced with this degree of pure evil.

These two thugs wantonly, and savagely gunned down a woman in an attempt to pull off a carjacking.

The death chamber in Huntsville awaits. I doubt I will be around to see it, as It will take 20 years.

What is society's answer when faced with this degree of pure evil. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sad! Damn Shame... Need More RED PILLS!

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These two thugs wantonly, and savagely gunned down a woman in an attempt to pull off a carjacking.

The death chamber in Huntsville awaits. I doubt I will be around to see it, as It will take 20 years.

What is society's answer when faced with this degree of pure evil. Originally Posted by Jackie S
When you have 90% of the wealth in our country belonging to the top 1%, and everyone else struggling you will have more evil and crimes. The answer is to distribute our countries wealth more evenly to build up the depressed areas, better education and opportunities. The only difference between you and these murderers is how you were raised and the opportunities you had.

These two thugs wantonly, and savagely gunned down a woman in an attempt to pull off a carjacking.

The death chamber in Huntsville awaits. I doubt I will be around to see it, as It will take 20 years.

What is society's answer when faced with this degree of pure evil. Originally Posted by Jackie S
In my opinion, this is why i would love to see the death sentence changed.. IT NEEDS TO BE imo carried out within 5 years AT THE MOST, which is more than adeuqate time for the scumbag's one and ONE APPEAL only, that law says he should get.
AND THEN when that time is up, HANG HIM publicly. WE should stop crying that "WE are being too harsh/cruel/mean in using injections..
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Damn, I thought I would see a picture of Hillary. My bad.
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These two thugs wantonly, and savagely gunned down a woman in an attempt to pull off a carjacking.

The death chamber in Huntsville awaits. I doubt I will be around to see it, as It will take 20 years.

What is society's answer when faced with this degree of pure evil. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lexus from Texas says these guys are innocent since they have not been given due process in a court of law. So maybe they should be released and allowed to continue their lives like Roy Moore and OJ and Trump and Porter and the rest of those being treated unjustly? Does he have a point?
not to take away from the disgust

but when I read the thread title i thought there'd be a picture of hellary
NoTell's Avatar
When you have 90% of the wealth in our country belonging to the top 1%, and everyone else struggling you will have more evil and crimes. The answer is to distribute our countries wealth more evenly to build up the depressed areas, better education and opportunities. The only difference between you and these murderers is how you were raised and the opportunities you had. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

So are you telling us that MONEY CURES:
And the list goes on and on!!!

A true quote that fits life and this thread:

Bad people do bad things and to think otherwise, is astonishing!!!
StandinStraight's Avatar

So are you telling us that MONEY CURES:
And the list goes on and on!!!

A true quote that fits life:

Bad people do bad things and to think otherwise, is astonishing!!! Originally Posted by NoTell
If I took away your money and you couldn’t find a job to pay enough to feed and shelter your self or family, you would soon be a criminal to survive. There are countries that take care of their poor and they have no crime.
If I took away your money and you couldn’t find a job to pay enough to feed and shelter your self or family, you would soon be a criminal to survive. There are countries that take care of their poor and they have no crime. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
bf lie in more ways than 1
most all poor people who would never do that

takes a special selfishness to do that
StandinStraight's Avatar
bf lie in more ways than 1
most all poor people who would never do that

takes a special selfishness to do that Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Dude if your child is dying of starvation and your only way to save him or her is to commit a crime you would do it.
I said it was a lie in more ways than 1

the first lie is your premise

there are ways to feed your kid so you are trying to excuse the inexcusable with a fake analogy

ive stolen food before..but as a five and six and seven year old kid to feed my little brother and sister and me

but a man doesn't have to do that

and a man doesn't carjack and kill because he's hungry he does it because he is selfish to the extreme
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If I took away your money and you couldn’t find a job to pay enough to feed and shelter your self or family, you would soon be a criminal to survive. There are countries that take care of their poor and they have no crime. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
No one took their money......... I see help wanted signs everywhere in Houston.

All excuses......These two assholes are just bad people.

Name the countries please???
If I took away your money and you couldn’t find a job to pay enough to feed and shelter your self or family, you would soon be a criminal to survive. There are countries that take care of their poor and they have no crime. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, and more are all available. So you are saying that killing people for not being able to get or create a job they deem acceptable is justified?

Dude if your child is dying of starvation and your only way to save him or her is to commit a crime you would do it. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
How's your pregnancy coming along? If so, do the human condition and the child a favor and give it up for adoption.
StandinStraight's Avatar
No one took their money......... I see help wanted signs everywhere in Houston.

All excuses......These two assholes are just bad people.

Name the countries please??? Originally Posted by NoTell
Read about Sweden for one!
The United States has a direct correlation between poverty and crime, if you decrease poverty and have better education you have less crime.
If you took the most violent areas of America and gave them the same opportunity and education as our safest areas, eventually the crime rates would be equal.