OMG, not 1 but 3

So, Imagine if you got busted by your SO, who did not live with you.... with not one girl but three. Arianna, JoeJoe, and Bristol...(which only I could make happen!!)

You are at your house and your gf or SO shows up! What do you do?

I understand that a gentleman shouldn't put himself into this situation period, but suppose you did? I think that outcall feeds into some peoples fantasies.

I am tempted to say already busted so don't open the door, but that's not how it went down...what would you do? Providers and Hobbiest alike response invited.

Enchanterlingum's Avatar
That would be a #humblebrag disguised as a cautionary tale that I would tell for the rest of my life to anybody that would listen.
That would be a #humblebrag disguised as a cautionary tale that I would tell for the rest of my life to anybody that would listen. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
As a seasoned vet amazing that all showed and no unexpected times of the month...then to end like that...

I am accepting anonymous submissions to my one day to be published "hobby adventures" those that feel comfortable (I hope that are most) please submit your very best hobby adventure ... thrilling...fanasy fulfilling... scary.. nd them my way. If I ever get the book together, all names will be anonymous and free copies to my friends...who will forever laugh!!!!!

I already have an outrageous amount of my own adventures and know that others have plenty to add.

3 black, bristol and joejoe plus girlfriend=unwanted foursome, showing up to the wrong house, fire alarm during appt., tornado during appt. Oh, it goes on and on...we can have so much fun with this...SUBMIT YOUR STORIES!!! I will not include handles or any information. Can also be submittede anonymously to
I would quickly give each of you cleaning equipment, vacuum, dust rag, and broom. I swear hunny, they are maids.
I would quickly give each of you cleaning equipment, vacuum, dust rag, and broom. I swear hunny, they are maids. Originally Posted by royamcr
LMAO...nice try. Maybe if the wine glasses and all goodies were hidden. My only request would have been..."please don't open the door til we are ready to leave the back" walking past her one by one was a nightmare.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Lay back and smile with pride. By the way, I damn sure would not have had you all leave. I would have had Bristol open the door, nude, while you and JoeJoe were fellating me. Then Bristol would have been gestured back to get in the middle while I told the SO, "join in or get out".

Especially since I have had time now to think about it and no one is actually at the door. LOLOL
boardman's Avatar
This one time at band camp.....
I'm good at helping people make transitions. Nothing to lose at this point...she was kind of hot...think he should have let me deal with the get in or get out.
I would quickly give each of you cleaning equipment, vacuum, dust rag, and broom. I swear hunny, they are maids. Originally Posted by royamcr
cuddlyteddybear's Avatar
"Honey, thank God you're here!! These three bullies followed me home from the supermarket and tried to rape me. I feel dirty. Hold me."
If this scene was scripted for the HBO real sex series would it be promoted as....

1) comedy?

2) a tragedy?

3) a horror scene??

Or simply Ripley's "Believe it or not???

And just one final thought, who says KC is just a boring Cowtown, lol...most of the time, yepper. But we do occassionally have our moments
If this scene was scripted for the HBO real sex series would it be promoted as....

1) comedy?

2) a tragedy?

3) a horror scene??

Or simply Ripley's "Believe it or not???

And just one final thought, who says KC is just a boring Cowtown, lol...most of the time, yepper. But we do occassionally have our moments Originally Posted by vkmaster
Whatever catagory that you put it in...go ahead and add a XXX to it.
alterego1's Avatar
Honestly if I had all three of you in my house (assuming all my kids were at school), I would also been prepared with a bag backed with at least 2 days worth of clothes. Cause I would have to go with the 3 of you! There really isn't much to talk about that couldn't wait for a more opportune time.
Uncle Dick's Avatar
Deny, deny, deny

First postulated in the movie A Guide for the Married Man.

Later incorporated in the lyrics of a Brooks & Dunn song.

In the movie, I think it was accompanied by the line, "Who are you going to believe? Me or your eyes." Brooks & Dunn's version is funnier.
Bristal's Avatar
Watching the news the next morning I was waiting to hear about a man in ICU from his girlfriend beating him.

From her point of view I would have to look at the brightside. I catch my man with a dirty bar girl or 3 smokin hot chicks with luggage full of toys.

She totally should have joined, she wasn't bad looking!