Swingers clubs

I had my first visit to a swingers club last night. The lady I have been seeing a couple times a week for the last month took me. Was VERY interesting!! We got to play in the VIP room. Other couples were coming and going doing their own thing. I have never had sex when other people are openly watching. I found it very errotic.

My question is, is this something fairly common to do? Have you done it before and how did you like it? In hind sight, it seems like a great meeting place for a change of pace with oppertunitys for some very interesting fun. It would not replace my normal BCD with her but still....

Great post. Been dying to try it myself, but haven't been made such a generous offer as yet. I also worry that the little guy might get stage fright, and embarrass the hell out of me! Hate to be with a lovely lady, and have the opportunity go by the wayside. Plus, I might like to sample a little of the other delights that are present at the time ....
I would be interested in going again. I went about a year ago, and yes, it is very errotic! =)

Great post. Been dying to try it myself, but haven't been made such a generous offer as yet. I also worry that the little guy might get stage fright, and embarrass the hell out of me! Hate to be with a lovely lady, and have the opportunity go by the wayside. Plus, I might like to sample a little of the other delights that are present at the time .... Originally Posted by Tony Patella
I too was concerned about the same things. But, she goes there on a regular basis and was completly comfortable so that really helped me get into it. I think she would have had no problem if one of the other women there had wanted to join us. But we only stayed a short while. I guess thats the advantage of a swingers club. Eveyone is there for the same thing so that helps with the shyness factor. Especialy seeing what a lot of the women were wearing (or not wearing). As this was my first time, it was probely best that we went early and it was still slow.

I would happly do it again. Was a LOT more fun than many of the times I have been in a SC. Different, but lots of fun, if you have a regular, etc, I would say talk to her and go try it!!
pmdelites's Avatar
one of my current goals is to visit swinger's clubs w/ one of my provider friend who really enjoys going there [she goes outside the hobby as well]. so far, iniquity and 13th elevator. we are researching where to go on our next date.

just make sure you settle all time issues and fees aforehand and understand what each is looking for in the visit to the club.

it can be fun!!!
Marcel's Avatar
I would love to do something like that
texasjohn1965's Avatar
13th elevator Originally Posted by pmdelites
maybe the 13th floor?
I did it recently.....great fun!
I think it's more common than you might expect! I've been a number of times to various clubs, and Iniquity gets my vote. It's almost too much fun if there is such a thing. Ah, the memories in that place... It's been quite some time since I have been, but I have always had a great time there.

Not sure if it's still around but my first swinger's club experience was Spanky's. I almost swore off 'lifestyle' clubs after that maiden voyage. It was very traumatic, I am still emotionally scarred.
I also attended a swingers club last night.... man I had a blast hehe if u know what i mean
Boom Boom's Avatar
...I also worry that the little guy might get stage fright, and embarrass the hell out of me!... Originally Posted by Tony Patella
I too was concerned about the same things. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Amazing how quickly you get over the nervousness.

Look at it from a couple point of views, worse & best case scenario.

- worse; you get to play with the one you accompanied
- best; you play with the one you accompanied & spark the interest of others to join!

Either way, you get to play & have fun.
i've gone to one here in Austin with a good client of mine. We went each friday for a couple of weeks. It was super sexy. The venue was very well done also. It's definitely an experience everyone should have even once.
Da Bauce's Avatar
This is one thing that I would love to do! Now you talking about one for the record books! Going with the right provider that you have chemistry with would be super sexy and I am sure endless fun!!!
So I am down for sure....
This is one thing that I would love to do! Now you talking about one for the record books! Going with the right provider that you have chemistry with would be super sexy and I am sure endless fun!!!
So I am down for sure.... Originally Posted by Da Hammer

.......and all of those other smilies that are really excited!
gptxman's Avatar
I am glad to hear you had a good time. The wife and I visit either or both 13th Floor and Iniquity almost every weekend. They are great places that we enjoy but I don't mix my hobby life with my swinging life. For me they both fill two completely different needs (wants really).

Now to answer your question. The wife and I see many older men (50 +) there with really young women (teens to early 20s). We have always thought it to be odd how many of these couples we see in the club. Since starting to hobby every time I see one of these couples I wonder if she might be a provider but to date I have never seen a provider in a club that I recognize.

I know not all of these couples are providers with clients but I bet some are. Since I haven't seen any providers I know in the clubs I don't think it is something that is done quite often but I could be wrong. I always figured it was more of a SD thing.