Who is our most existential threat in the world today? Easy call, radical Islamic terrorism. Lets review the actiions of the Chosen One;
Refused for the longest time the severity of threat.
Still refuses to name the enemy.
Has made excuses for nearly every terrorist attack since he stepped into office.
Has lied to the American people about the existence of terrorist attacks.
He served up a United States ambassador on a silver platter to terrorists.
He has overthrown countries with despots for the benefit of terrorism.
He has made a deal so that Iran WILL get a nuclear weapon and ICBMs.
He has financed Iran's military buildup by giving them money and allowing them to sell oil.
He has turned his back on Isreal.
He has paid money to Iran for a cancelled weapons deal under the Shah.
He has paid money for the interest on the money in the weapons deal.
He allowed our sailors to be taken without a response.
He has not made a public statement about any of the Americans being held (or were being held) by Iran.
He is reducing the size of the military in the face of war.
He is allowing the enemy to invade this country with his offer of safety for refugees and his failure to secure the border.
He has released top ISIS and Al Queada officers in our custody.
Barack Obama is a traitor. He was put in office by democrats who are accessories to his crimes.