What your experience with "Adult" dating sites?

nebtex1's Avatar
In my hobby e-mail, I constantly get offers to join Adult oriented dating/hookup website. I have always been leary of these site. The latest one has the tag line "Married But Lonely" the website is:


It says you can create a free profile and you get a free day ... but when they ask for my CC, I stopped and read the fine print ... they will charge to almost $50 a month (and I bet it is a real pain to stop the charges) ... so I obviously closed the website.

Has anyone actually had positive experience(s) with these types of website without getting ripped off?

Others are Fling, adultfriendfinders, etc., etc.
Never. IMO, they're all scams.
gimme_that's Avatar
adultfriend finder has realatively few real people who are actually members there and has many spam profiles to shift through which practically makes it worthless in some regions.

Use yahoopersonals or another avenue dating site.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I used adultfriendfinder 5 years ago and met a girl who we had a sexual relationship for 2 years. I tried again 2 years ago and found that it had been taken over by scam profiles and the mail-order bride business. I probably spent more in monthly fees there than I did in the hobby.
gptxman's Avatar
I used adultfriendfinder 5 years ago and met a girl who we had a sexual relationship for 2 years. I tried again 2 years ago and found that it had been taken over by scam profiles and the mail-order bride business. I probably spent more in monthly fees there than I did in the hobby. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I agree and have have very simular results of my own with several dating sites including adultfriendfinder, married date, etc.
I tried them a couple of years ago and I was not impressed but then I am a picky SOB or soI have been told. If you want to really date but in a serious fashion go to eHarmony or Chemistry.com but those certainly aren't P4P. Match.com has mroe than a few providers on it as I reconized their photos but I never found what I was looking for on any of those sites.
Way before I knew about so called p4p, I joined one of those sites. Nothing happened.

So, of course, I let my membership lapse. I began getting all kinds of "so and so is checking you out and wants to meet". So, like a dumb ass, I rejoined. When I went to search for all these "so and sos", they didn't even have profiles, or themselves hadn't even been on the site for months.

So, let the membership lapse again and now I just delete any email I get from any of them without even taking the time to read them.
Not worth joining. I haven't had one positive experience from using adult dating sites.

I stopped using adultfriendfinder back in 2006 because of the BS'ers and bots.

I tried out fling 2 years ago and cancelled my membership after 1 month.
wildwill16's Avatar
Top 3 favorite Free Single Dating Sites

Plenty Of is a local favorite also

Have A Fantastic NIght! Enjoy!
nebtex1's Avatar
Top 3 favorite Free Single Dating Sites

Plenty Of is a local favorite also

Have A Fantastic NIght! Enjoy! Originally Posted by wildwill16
Thanks for the links ... however, the thread is about "adult" sites ... your links appeared to be focused on legitimate dating sites.

My experience (although I have not paid to join any of the adult sites) is that they are scams ... and that appears to be the consensus of the responders.
The purpose of this thread is to warn hobbiests (especially newbies) away from these type of websites.
I joined adultfrindfinder about two years ago.I kept my account till about 3 months ago.Since joining the cost of membership has risen dramatically and I had no real luck.
One of the only people to actually contact me was a TV and I definitely wasn't going that route.
The majority of contacts were mail order brides and others trying to harvest my e-mail account.
There are real people on the site but since the majority are men the few women that are on the site probably get hundreds if not thousands of e-mails a day.
So the chance of you being selected are nil.
Most dating sites "adult" and otherwise are scams.Your better off joining this hobby.
hubby and I have had a lot of fun via aff..adultfriendfinder...We have met a lot of other swinger couples and have had a bunch of hot times...not sure about the one on one scene though..good luck
grtrader's Avatar
They used to be ok back say 10 years ago. These days most are garbage because they don't enforce or cater to scam and spam.
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
I've tried several over the years . . . AFF, Fling, Bangmatch . . . all were a complete waste of time and money. I never met a single person through any of them. Large number of scam posts, relatively few real women vs a HUGE number of guys, fake profiles all around (the men too -- if the average dick size if 5-6", why does every guy on these sites claim 9+"??). I had better luck (and met several couples) years ago through swingers magazines -- the ones where you had to send letters to the magazine to be re-mailed to the advertiser. The online site have made scamming too fast and easy.
Euphemia's Avatar
I actually met a few hobbyist on AFF, they that pointed me in the right direction. Along with the scams, there are a lot of nice guys looking for love in the wrong place. People are not honest in what they are looking for...