Tulsa Time!!!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Trumps getting his campaign revved up with a HUGE rally in Tulsa tomorrow. People are camping out already. Over 100,000 expected to be there. Meanwhile, Creepy Joe will be in his basement chewing on ExLax!!!! He’s so constipated he can’t think or talk. Hopefully, the Tulsa police will be able to keep the usual misfits from Antifa and BLM far away from the peaceful folks.

Let’s party!



SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Please give me your opinion:

1. How many of the 20,000 or so in the arena do you estimate will be Trump supporters as opposed to undecided voters?

2. How many people either attending the rally or watching the rally or reading about the rally will decide to vote for Trump based on the rally?

3. How will the rally impact Trump's approval ratings, which are now 41.4% (-13.8%) according to 538 and 42.6% (-12.2%) according to RCP?
Lapdog's Avatar
Trumps getting his campaign revved up with a HUGE rally in Tulsa tomorrow. People are camping out already. Over 100,000 expected to be there. Meanwhile, Creepy Joe will be in his basement chewing on ExLax!!!! He’s so constipated he can’t think or talk. Hopefully, the Tulsa police will be able to keep the usual misfits from Antifa and BLM far away from the peaceful folks.

Let’s party!


BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, go ahead and party in Tulsa like your meaningless life depends on it, bambi. Shake hands with everybody, give lots of hugs. Begin developing an appetite for CROW, you're going to be eating if often come November. Enjoy!
bambino's Avatar
Please give me your opinion:

1. How many of the 20,000 or so in the arena do you estimate will be Trump supporters as opposed to undecided voters?

2. How many people either attending the rally or watching the rally or reading about the rally will decide to vote for Trump based on the rally?

3. How will the rally impact Trump's approval ratings, which are now 41.4% (-13.8%) according to 538 and 42.6% (-12.2%) according to RCP? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You’re so predictable. I knew you would trot the recent poll numbers out. They mean nothing. But you take solace in them. Let’s see how much enthusiasm Biden generates going forward. You failed to mention the HUGE enthusiasm gap between Trump supporters and Biden supporters. It’s 30pts in those same polls!! I don’t need a poll to tell me that, I can see it with my own eyes. Just like 2016!!!!!

Click on the YouTube link and get in the mood!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Yeah, go ahead and party in Tulsa like your meaningless life depends on it, bambi. Shake hands with everybody, give lots of hugs. Begin developing an appetite for CROW, you're going to be eating if often come November. Enjoy! Originally Posted by Lapdog
And you go hang out in CHOP and steal your next meal LAPPER!!!
Lapdog's Avatar
And you go hang out in CHOP and steal your next meal LAPPER!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Where's CHOP at? Is it near Mission BBQ? Can I get a pork chop? Chopped steak? Lambchop? Inquiring minds want to know. Chop chop!
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2020, 08:08 AM
Please give me your opinion:

1. How many of the 20,000 or so in the arena do you estimate will be Trump supporters as opposed to undecided voters?

2. How many people either attending the rally or watching the rally or reading about the rally will decide to vote for Trump based on the rally?

3. How will the rally impact Trump's approval ratings, which are now 41.4% (-13.8%) according to 538 and 42.6% (-12.2%) according to RCP? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Knee jerk reaction . The only poll that matters is on Nov 3, 2020.

Beyond that - lib DPST's encourage BLM crowds of protestors - not to mention rioters and looters as "non-violent" _(hannah-Jones) - yet Condemn the trump rallies as "Unsafe" from a CoVid 19 standpoint.

If Biden were anywhere near a microphone out of his basement - with a crowd of whatever number exceeds local regulations - the LibDPST's would cheerfully Ignore any criticism leveled at the Trump campaign.
bambino's Avatar
Where's CHOP at? Is it near Mission BBQ? Can I get a pork chop? Chopped steak? Lambchop? Inquiring minds want to know. Chop chop! Originally Posted by Lapdog
You’re just like everyone else in CHOP, you don’t have a clue where you are. CHOP? CHAZ? Make up your mind.
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2020, 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Lapdog
Where's CHOP at? Is it near Mission BBQ? Can I get a pork chop? Chopped steak? Lambchop? Inquiring minds want to know. Chop chop!

Pretending to be unaware of the Seattle seizure of Capitol Hill neighborhood by armed terrorists???
A poor job of pretending, - Or - is the puppy brigade really that clueless????
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yeah, go ahead and party in Tulsa ... Originally Posted by Lapdog

It's a protest. So it's all good. Eh Comrade?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Please give me your opinion... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Knowing your penchant for polls; thought you might find this poll interesting.

‘Biden is not equipped mentally or physically for the huge job ahead…’

...American Greatness partnered with TIPP to survey Michiganians and Floridians about their views on Biden and President Donald Trump’s mental fitness, AG reported.

Nearly three-quarters (71 percent) of Michiganians who were polled said they do not believe Biden has the “mental sharpness” that he needs to be president.

Six in ten Floridians agreed with the vast majority of Michiganians.

Zogby Analytics conducted a nationwide poll of likely voters and found that 55 percent believe it is more likely than not that Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45 percent believe it is less likely than not that Biden is in the early stages of dementia.

The trends followed partisan lines but clearly trended toward a belief in Biden’s mental decline.

Three-quarters (77 percent) of Republicans, more than half (56 percent) of independents, and one-third (32 percent) of Democrats think that Biden is more likely than not in the early stages of dementia....

Sure, the poll might not be a FiveThirtyEight pole, which are at least entertaining. As always, if you like you're pole dancer, you can keep your pole dancer.

Joe "Finger Bang" is out to prove them all wrong with this stoic advise he offered the other day: "You ought to marry into a family with 5 or more sisters… You know why that's the reason? One of them always loves you."
Lapdog's Avatar
It's a protest. So it's all good. Eh Comrade? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Party was Bambi's term, Einstein. Not mine. Go pull your own pud.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Go pull your own pud. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Go lick your own testicles, as your avatar type is known to do. Maybe go sniff up some fellow Demonicrats keesters too.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Please give me your opinion:

My five favorite words! Ops! Make that second favorite five words!

1. How many of the 20,000 or so in the arena do you estimate will be Trump supporters as opposed to undecided voters?

No undecided voter is going to a Trump rally.

2. How many people either attending the rally or watching the rally or reading about the rally will decide to vote for Trump based on the rally?

None. I'm confident of this because I will be voting for Trump and I will neither be attending, watching or reading about the rally. I wouldn't leave the house if the rally was in my back yard.

3. How will the rally impact Trump's approval ratings, which are now 41.4% (-13.8%) according to 538 and 42.6% (-12.2%) according to RCP? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

It certainly will not hurt because nobody that had planned on voting for Trump will not do so based on this rally but for what ever reason, it is possible that he could pick up a few Independent votes.

And I'll bet you agree with everything I just said.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Search out one Brad Parscale. He be Trump's data analytics guy and he is good at his task. There are some amazing numbers involved with Trump rally participants. Actually, I'm a bit surprised you don't know that already, because it has to be a bit overwhelming to comprehend. Also remember, these people wait in line to attend for a couple days ahead of time as well, even in the cold and snow, freezing rain, locusts and frogs... Compare that to a Joe "Hair Legs" rally in the back seat of a Volkswagen bug.

Trump Rally Data Shows a Clear Winning Coalition in 2020

...Out of more than 20,000 identified voters who came to a recent Trump rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 57.9 percent did not have a history of voting for Republicans. Remarkably, 4,413 attendees didn’t even vote in the last election — a clear indication that President Trump is energizing Americans who were previously not engaged in politics.

The Milwaukee rally wasn’t exceptional in that respect. It was just like other rallies the president has held all over the country.

Nearly 22 percent of identified supporters at President Trump’s rally in Toledo, Ohio, were Democrats, and another 21 percent were independents. An astounding 15 percent of identified voters who saw the president speak in Battle Creek, Michigan, has not voted in any of the last four elections. In Hershey, Pennsylvania, just over 20 percent of identified voters at the rally were Democrats, and 18 percent were non-white...

So if you need something to put in your pipe and smoke, I would go with that.

Please give me your opinion:

1. How many of the 20,000 or so in the arena do you estimate will be Trump supporters as opposed to undecided voters?

2. How many people either attending the rally or watching the rally or reading about the rally will decide to vote for Trump based on the rally?

3. How will the rally impact Trump's approval ratings, which are now 41.4% (-13.8%) according to 538 and 42.6% (-12.2%) according to RCP? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX