Fukushima Nuclear Material Reported In West Coast Groundwater Discharging Into Pacific Ocean — Fallout Also Found In Meat And Fish

SEE3772's Avatar
Fukushima nuclear material reported in West Coast groundwater; It’s discharging into Pacific Ocean — Fallout also found in meat and fish from same area — “Routinely detected’ in plant life long after March 2011

Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Units 1 and 2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, published April 30, 2014: Isotopic releases occurred in Japan and were carried by the jet stream to the west coast of the United States… [DCPP] periodically detected cesium (Cs-137) within market fish and cow meat due to deposition of Cs-137 from [Fukushima]… Fukushima Cs-137 was detected within one sample of monitoring well… Cs-137 was detected in three samples of market fish most likely due to rainwater washout of Fukushima Cs-137… Cs-137 was detected in [a] 2013 meat samples due to the Fukushima Japan nuclear accidents. This detection occurred… in October… [DCPP] detected cesium within milk, vegetation, and meat throughout 2011 [and] continued to detect cesium within groundwater, fish, vegetation, and meat throughout 2012.

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, Apr. 30, 2013: Throughout 2012 [we] continued to detect cesium (Cs-137) within milk, vegetation, monitoring wells, fish, and meat due to deposition of Cs-137 from that event… Concentrations of cesium (Cs-137) were also detected in two shallow monitoring wells… This cesium was evaluated and attributed to rain-washout of Fukushima fallout… Due to topography and site characteristics, this groundwater gradient flow discharged into the Pacific Ocean… Cs-137 was detected in three samples of fish most likely due to rainwater washout of Fukushima Cs-137… Cs-137 was detected in 2012 vegetation samples… due to rainwater washout of Fukushima Cs-137 [that] was absorbed by plant life and the soil. DCPP… has routinely detected Cs-137 in plant life since March of 2011 due to this Fukushima event… Cs-137 was detected in… [cow] meat samples due to the Fukushima Japan nuclear accidents… Vegetation uptake and subsequent digestion by the animals were the source of these Cs-137 isotopes into the meat.


Jeff Rense & Dana Durnford - Our Legacy...A Dead Pacific Ocean


EPA Draft Stirs Fears Of Radically Relaxed Radiation Guidelines
Yea but, the NFL and the ladies on the left side of my screen...
What did you expect?
SEE3772's Avatar
That's not the point.
People are not being informed.
There are ways to at least try and protect yourself from this and
all the other real environmental threats.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's not the point.
People are not being informed.
There are ways to at least try and protect yourself from this and
all the other real environmental threats. Originally Posted by SEE3772
The biggest environmental threat is going to come from dead batteries disposal from Teslas.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking idiots.
SEE3772's Avatar
Fucking idiots. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You do know where this information came from... right?
People like you are the soul reason why we have psychopaths running things...
Did you even read the report? Or did you just say to yourself it doesn't exist!
Or is this too much for you to comprehend?
Please, let me know Winston...
LexusLover's Avatar
I suppose there is some method of taking the "dna" of the material to verify the source. i mean it's not the first time California (Ms. Environmental Excellence) has gotten caught dumping their shit in the Pacific.

It does provide some explanation for the mutations emanating from the region though ...

... sounds like they need another "bailout injection."

Another "Political Botox Injection" for the "Green Team"!
I suppose there is some method of taking the "dna" of the material to verify the source. i mean it's not the first time California (Ms. Environmental Excellence) has gotten caught dumping their shit in the Pacific.

It does provide some explanation for the mutations emanating from the region though ...

... sounds like they need another "bailout injection."

Another "Political Botox Injection" for the "Green Team"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Guess you haven't seen trash day in Alaska.
That's not the point.
People are not being informed.
There are ways to at least try and protect yourself from this and
all the other real environmental threats. Originally Posted by SEE3772
More horseshit.

People have been informed and ARE being informed. I've read reports like this for a long time.

But the levels are so low that the threat is minor and there is nothing you can do about it anyway. Are you not going to eat food ever again?

Minute levels of radioactive elements exist in everything. Now there will be a tiny bit more of a few of those elements.

People absorb threats to their existence EVERY day and they move on. We tolerate a certain amount of air pollution, a certain level of auto fatalities, a certain level of water pollution, a certain level of food contamination, etc. because it is impossible and extremely expensive to try to zero out all threats.

The radiation is a minute threat to us compared to sexually transmitted diseases, Ebola, flu, and other communicable diseases. People are ignoring that stuff, too.

You will be panicking about something else next week and telling us that we are being kept in the dark. Your tune never changes..
More horseshit.

People have been informed and ARE being informed. I've read reports like this for a long time.

But the levels are so low that the threat is minor and there is nothing you can do about it anyway. Are you not going to eat food ever again?

Minute levels of radioactive elements exist in everything. Now there will be a tiny bit more of a few of those elements.

People absorb threats to their existence EVERY day and they move on. We tolerate a certain amount of air pollution, a certain level of auto fatalities, a certain level of water pollution, a certain level of food contamination, etc. because it is impossible and extremely expensive to try to zero out all threats.

The radiation is a minute threat to us compared to sexually transmitted diseases, Ebola, flu, and other communicable diseases. People are ignoring that stuff, too.

You will be panicking about something else next week and telling us that we are being kept in the dark. Your tune never changes.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Don't forget the Obummer virus... fucker
JCM800's Avatar
DCPP periodically detected cesium (Cs-137) within market fish and cow meat due to deposition of Cs-137 from Fukushima Originally Posted by SEE3772
Extra seasoning perhaps?

It will all cook out anyway in the deep fryer.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
More horseshit.

People have been informed and ARE being informed. I've read reports like this for a long time.

But the levels are so low that the threat is minor and there is nothing you can do about it anyway. Are you not going to eat food ever again?

Minute levels of radioactive elements exist in everything. Now there will be a tiny bit more of a few of those elements.

People absorb threats to their existence EVERY day and they move on. We tolerate a certain amount of air pollution, a certain level of auto fatalities, a certain level of water pollution, a certain level of food contamination, etc. because it is impossible and extremely expensive to try to zero out all threats.

The radiation is a minute threat to us compared to sexually transmitted diseases, Ebola, flu, and other communicable diseases. People are ignoring that stuff, too.

You will be panicking about something else next week and telling us that we are being kept in the dark. Your tune never changes.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, it's really gonna fuck up the sushi and whale-meat business for YEARS!

Just goes to show we DO need to get rid of all these old water cooled reactors and replace them with passively safe modern designs that aren't designed to generate plutonium for weapons (the most prevalent designs today are related to the first designs that were propagated with the express purpose to both generate electricity AND material that could be processed into weapons grade fissile material). There are today far better known ways to use nuclear power to generate power.
SEE3772's Avatar
More horseshit.

People have been informed and ARE being informed. I've read reports like this for a long time.

But the levels are so low that the threat is minor and there is nothing you can do about it anyway. Are you not going to eat food ever again?

Minute levels of radioactive elements exist in everything. Now there will be a tiny bit more of a few of those elements.

People absorb threats to their existence EVERY day and they move on. We tolerate a certain amount of air pollution, a certain level of auto fatalities, a certain level of water pollution, a certain level of food contamination, etc. because it is impossible and extremely expensive to try to zero out all threats.

The radiation is a minute threat to us compared to sexually transmitted diseases, Ebola, flu, and other communicable diseases. People are ignoring that stuff, too.

You will be panicking about something else next week and telling us that we are being kept in the dark. Your tune never changes.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
TEPCO can't stop the release. They've tried for 3.5 years.
Go read the report if you haven't yet... About the levels.
Also with bioaccumulation the levels will only increase in the environment. Click on the link below the report and you will see the article I posted last year... there's been a huge spike in thyroid complications in new borns and children on the west coast of America. A lot of sea life are dying off at a rapid pace... Go look that one up if you want. And what does the EPA do... they just magically raise the levels and say the higher levels are safe now. And.... where your also wrong is I've always been concerned about this... the federal reserve, endless wars of aggression and our corrupt duopoly in DC. But if your happy with the way things are in the world then so be it... I'm not! Trust me... I don't drive myself crazy with it all but I certainly don't have my head in the sand. Guess you think 10 million times the levels of cesium 137 at ground zero where the meltdowns happened has no effect on the US or the world.
...and there is that MOX fuel reactor.
I refuse to get into name calling around here.
Even tho I'm guilty of calling people idiots, stupid or sheep.
Never again!
SEE3772's Avatar
Here's that link... just incase if you were not able to find it.

Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown