Backpage owner arrested

jj_cool's Avatar
I'm hearing rumors that it will be shutting down in the next few days...
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
Oh we go
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
My guess is that BP will stop the adult posting almost immediately.
scsholar's Avatar
Still up as of today.
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 10-07-2016, 12:36 PM
This will be good for me. Only a matter of time before LE puts their focus on other sites.
Could be a good time to retire.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar

I hope this site doesn't turn to shit as all of the rats jump off the BP ship as it sinks.
busternutzs's Avatar
This will be good for me. Only a matter of time before LE puts their focus on other sites.
Could be a good time to retire. Originally Posted by Twain
Twain UTR SugarDaddy.
The last time that I saw something like this was when Craigslist was forced out of the sex ads business. All it did was force many of the girls out into public to solicit johns. I was in Dallas at the time and the then police chief caught all sorts of holy hell,.... as if it was his fault. lol

Consenting adults have been "consenting" since before the time of Jesus himself. Shutting down BP will not stop it but it will cause a redirection of efforts. A "speed bump" on a side street in the world of prostitution.
DocHolyday's Avatar
BP being under attack is nothing new. I have not seen the California indictment the guy was charged with but I think he has bigger problems with the contempt of Congress charge he could be facing for refusing to turn over records.
All the real money makers will be outside working the streets. At least when u pick a girl up on the streets what u see is what u get.
But I don't think they are going to shut backpage down they just want some of his profit
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Don't stress it too much JJ. I will be making my way back this week!
I can distract you from watching all that bs ��
Chepano's Avatar
As much as they wish to shut this down the money generated to the community, is a bit too good to let it be shut down. The providers rent rooms, eat, buy gas ect, and we clients provide the money for said operations. This will quietly be allowed to continue. The religious right has already obtained their pound of flesh so to speak.
Very true, Chepano! LE wishes they could shut it down, but now I doubt it.