More Obama Arrogance

I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama breaks Democrats’ own rule from Bush administration by making an appointment while Congress is still in session.

“Although the Senate is not in recess, President Obama, in an unprecedented move, has arrogantly circumvented the American people,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican.
The list of Obama's arrogance and incompetance is long. But newly noted events include the above post by IBH and several recent international developments.

1. Obama is quietly embracing the Muslim Brotherhood as a legitimate faction to lead Egypt. The implications for the region, especially Isreal, is scary. It also means that women, christian minorities, homosexuals, and others will be persecuted to a greater extent as Sharia law is widened in Egypt.

2. The Obama administration gave consent to the Taliban opening up an office in Quatar; thereby legitimizing thier status and eventually leading to concessions granting the Taliban ultimate control over negotiated portions of Afghanistan. Obama has lost the war. Women will continue to be treated like cattle in the areas that Obama hands over to the Taliban; and their radicalization will continue to export terrorism.

3. With Obama's early and quick retreat out of Iraq; sectarian violence is increasing. Obama risks losing the progess made in this war as well.

Obama is rushing to complete his goal of eroding American supremacy in international politics; part of his "America Is Not Expceptional" world view. He knows he only has 12 more months to embed his Socialist ideas into the State Department.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ironically, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney defended Obama yesterday from the claim that he is acting like a "monarch" -- "it is not accurate to suggest that he doesn’t want to engage with Congress and that he won't engage with Congress," Carney said -- even while refusing to give any hint that Obama was going to make this move. "I just don't have any specifics to give to you on tomorrow's trip," Carney said during the press briefing yesterday.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He IS acting like a monarch, or a dictator. He demanded the Congress give him the power to arrest and detain American citizens on American soil indefinitely, and without judicial review. He has said he will act without the Congress when necessary to implement his plans, forgetting that the Congress was elected by the people as well. As a constitutional law professor, he is ignoring the Constitution more than any other President in history. If the indefinite detention powers are allowed to stand, we effectively have no Constitution, and no liberty. We will become the land of the slaves and home of the sheep.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
With the help of the media Obama has been playing a nasty handball game. It is not that you see coming, it is the ball that bounces off the back wall and hits you in the back of the head. All the while the media is yelling from the sidelines to get your attention. So what is Obama's next move? Would he try to do something with the election if he thought he would lose it? Will he push the former Acorn to new heights of voter fraud. His justice department is trying real hard to squelch voter ID before this fall.
He has now been given the power to arrest American citizens without habeas using the military. He has to know that there will be a shit storm when he tries to use it and he has to use it now or what's the point. Will we be paying attention? Or is this a basket ball move? Obama takes the shot and someone else (Hillary) gives the assist to put the ball in the basket. The military is coming home to no jobs and limited choices. Remember the bonuses marchers of the 1930s.
Frankly I am at a loss to see the future because I don't know what motivates Obama but it sure isn't anything like any other president.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahah
joe bloe's Avatar
With the help of the media Obama has been playing a nasty handball game. It is not that you see coming, it is the ball that bounces off the back wall and hits you in the back of the head. All the while the media is yelling from the sidelines to get your attention. So what is Obama's next move? Would he try to do something with the election if he thought he would lose it? Will he push the former Acorn to new heights of voter fraud. His justice department is trying real hard to squelch voter ID before this fall.
He has now been given the power to arrest American citizens without habeas using the military. He has to know that there will be a shit storm when he tries to use it and he has to use it now or what's the point. Will we be paying attention? Or is this a basket ball move? Obama takes the shot and someone else (Hillary) gives the assist to put the ball in the basket. The military is coming home to no jobs and limited choices. Remember the bonuses marchers of the 1930s.
Frankly I am at a loss to see the future because I don't know what motivates Obama but it sure isn't anything like any other president. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You say that you don't know what motivates Obama. I think he tells us in his autobiography, "Dreams From my Father". The operative word in the title is from. Obama is trying to accomplish what his socialist father would have tried to accomplish if he had been president.

Obama has made his father's dreams his own. Obama's father was a socialist economist that went back to Kenya after graduating from Harvard. He was able to obtain employment working for the Kenyan government because he was allied with the socialist administration that was in power at the time. When the socialists lost power in Kenya, and the capitalists took over, Obama's father was unable to find a job and basically drank himself to death.

I think Obama is trying to punish America which he sees as a neocolonialist power. Obama's father lived in Kenya which was a colony of Great Britain until 1962. This is why Obama hates Great Britain and why he sent back the bust of Churchill (on loan from Great Britain) that was in the White House. Obama also lived in Indonesia which had been a colony of the Dutch. Obama lived in Hawaii which the radical left in Hawaii considers to be a stolen country, essentially an American colony.

Basically Obama hates western civilation in general and America in particular. When you understand that everything he does is intended to harm America, his actions make sense. He's doing what his father would have done.
Jeeeeezus lord amighty. Save us from these

What a load of crap.

BTW COG I need your home address for something.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Joe has it exactly right. Just like GWB ran for President to avenge his father's administration, and like Romney running to fulfill his father's dream of becoming President. We actually need someone who had a normal home life running.