sex offender law?

Someone told me if you get a prostitution charge in Texas that you have to register as a sex offender, true or false?
In some states, YES. For example Louisiana has statute requiring convicted prostitutes to register as sex offenders (which is being challenged in Federal court

In TX "compelling prostitution" (but not prostitution itself) is an offense that gives rise to registration requirement. Thus PIMPS are at risk in TX more than Jane Provider.

For the full version of the TX registration law, see http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.u.../htm/CR.62.htm.

Hope that answers your question.

In Texas, Compelling Prostitution may require registration, but compelling differs from promoting. Promoting is essentially pimping, while compelling deals with using force, fraud or threat or the pimping of minor children.

(a) A person commits an offense if he knowingly:
(1) causes another by force, threat, or fraud to commit prostitution; or
(2) causes by any means a person younger than 17 years to commit prostitution.