TexasGuy gets disabled right when I found the deal of a lifetime.

jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 03-08-2014, 12:01 PM

Come on guys, let's all get a line going out of the Super 6 for this one.
Lol, I think he would still have something to complain about, seeing as she is not an Eccie lady.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 03-08-2014, 12:12 PM
dezperado's Avatar
STAFF EDIT - PD Originally Posted by jl11
HA!! what a friggin' clueless jack-a$%! 10 to 1 that's not even a real provider (I didn't bother to search any info on her)....plus the 'tard was already trying to fuck things up with a girl interested in coming here (see the post by Nikki in this co-ed forum) she's hot too--I encourage everyone to welcome her so she doesn't think she's stepping into a pool of losers if she comes here!! buh-bye TexasGuy--and good riddance!!
SknyDiva's Avatar

Come on guys, let's all get a line going out of the Super 6 for this one. Originally Posted by jl11
I'm in y'all!!
Can he just re- create a new handle?? He will still be a useless POS on this board, but I just want to know will it just be under a new handle? Did he disable his account or did the mods do it?

pornodave69's Avatar
He requested to be disabled. If he comes back with a new handle we will ban him as soon as we confirm it's him.
He got disabled and will be banned?? Too funny. LMFAO.
SknyDiva's Avatar
He got disabled and will be banned?? Too funny. LMFAO. Originally Posted by mriley000
Ass backwards! You can't make this shit up!!
Arverni's Avatar
I would like to "meet" this Texasguy and buy him a drink.

He really sounds like a badass on an anonymous forum - I would like to see if this translates to real world.
giantbourbon's Avatar
I would like to "meet" this Texasguy and buy him a drink.

He really sounds like a badass on an anonymous forum - I would like to see if this translates to real world. Originally Posted by Arverni
Really? The dude just sounds like an asshole. I deal with enough assholes as it is, I don't need to meet another.

But then, Averni, you just might be the guy to teach him a needed lesson in life!
He could, giantbourbon!
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 03-09-2014, 10:46 PM
I would like to "meet" this Texasguy and buy him a drink.

He really sounds like a badass on an anonymous forum - I would like to see if this translates to real world. Originally Posted by Arverni
There's a part of me that feels like you're an asshole in real life and would sit there and give the guy a cheers at his comments. Then you'd ramble on about how you get free sessions or major discounts for being Mr. gynohobby hero.
annie@christophers's Avatar
HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PAIN IN OUR ASS.. but that shit was funny.. wish I coulda provoked but "alas" not. SLEEPING.. thought the dave fat girl thing funny... GUYS? WHO THE FUCK IS WHO ANYMORE IN HERE>>LOL IM SOOOOOO GONNA WRITE A REVIEW!! OR GO BACK DOOR... UGH......SEEMS TO EASY OR TO MUCH FUCKING WORK. XXOO P.S HAPPY POST MARDI KIDS!!!
Arverni's Avatar
There's a part of me that feels like Originally Posted by jl11
It's a real small part - ignore it - the girls do.