Bills stadium extortion

Hard2Kill's Avatar
Pay a Billion for a stadium or we move to Texas. They finally make the playoffs a couple times after almost two decades. Let the extortion begin. I couldn't care less if they leave and they can take their drunken mafia with them.
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Adios. Better not get a dime of my tax dollars.
bargainbento's Avatar
Fuck them and fuck that. Fuck the drunken bills bullshit.
lilylivered's Avatar
Fuck the NFL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Fuck the NFL Originally Posted by lilylivered
I was thinking of Sabres & Amerks. One of needs work before move both

but dang Lilly Pad ya surprised me

but if willing to move one. Bet willing to move all 3
lilylivered's Avatar
I was thinking of Sabres & Amerks. One of needs work before move both

but dang Lilly Pad ya surprised me

but if willing to move one. Bet willing to move all 3 Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Love the Bills
Went to over 100 games through the years
NFL keeps making bad mistakes
over and over
If the Bills move
I will never watch another NFL game
Just like the NBA when the Braves left
Only NFL games I have watched the past few years have been Bills games
Nothing wrong with either stadium or arena
Ohio St packs in nearly 100000 each game in a much older stadium
Go Buckeyes
Football on Saturday!!!
I LOVED the Buffalo Braves!!
I was there when JoJo White sank that fuckin basket in the playoffs.... I had "Standing Room" tickets. They Braves were HUGELY popular in Buffalo.
Of course we couldn't call them that in this gofdorsaken new day and age....

Like "the lilster" as he is so affectionately called by some, I have not watched the NBA since they moved, and I was a huge NBA fan.

I can see myself NOT watching the NFL if the Bill's move as well... and not missing them OR the NFL at all
buffalomw10's Avatar
I was a Browns fan until they moved to Baltimore and thats when I became a Bills fan. I attended the greatest comeback gm ever by the Bills over the Oilers. Been to gms in LA, ATL and MIA so I consider myself a mafia lite fan(no jumping thru burning tables or any other crazy acts of self decadence) but if they move , I’ll just redecorate my man cave and move on.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Never could figure out why the Braves left. Seemed to draw well. Had one of the leading scorers in the league. Saw Chamberlain and the Lakers there
Never could figure out why the Braves left. Seemed to draw well. Had one of the leading scorers in the league. Saw Chamberlain and the Lakers there Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
May have been the merge w/the ABA.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Dont watch woke companies catch a ball

My dog does it.
buffalomw10's Avatar
Never could figure out why the Braves left. Seemed to draw well. Had one of the leading scorers in the league. Saw Chamberlain and the Lakers there Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
The Braves were exciting to watch with Ernie D,Bob Mcadoo,Randy Smith and others.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Paying Allen a quarter billion. Can't pony up dime one for a stadium. Fuck Pagula and his trophy wife
Asking the County, City, and/or State for help funding a stadium is asking for an investment in the team. The revenue generated by the team is far more than the cost of the stadium.

I bet, in the grand scheme of things, your lifetime total out-of-pocket is less than one dollar for any tax money spent to build stadiums and arenas.

There isn't many privately owned or team owned stadiums.
I wonder what the total is off the whole bills paycheck is - coaches, assistants,,players, etc. ?