One more thing I just thought of is LEAD do you have any lead based anything around your yard or home? LEAD is extremely dangerous to animals and kids.
Was also just reading that wolves and coyotes of course do not eat carbs so if you don't already you really need to put your gsd/coyote on a grain free diet. Raw diet would be best for this dog...a lot of people don't want to spend a lot of money on their pet food I spend more money on their food a month than I do on my own! There are some very good raw diets out there that are already prepared, or you can check into doing your own. I have tons of info on raw diet and grain free diet if you want to pm me.
I B Hankering licking of the paws is usually an allergy type symptom....can also mean they have yeast? There are some natural things you can do to get the dog to quit licking their paws. My first rescue dog, Bella, use to lick her paws constantly when I got her she was 6 yrs old. Now she is 10 and she rarely licks them at all. Not sure if that is because I put her on grain free diet or what? I know sometimes they can be allergic to so many things food, grass, cleaning products, etc. I have a dog now, my seizure dog, with skin allergies that the vet thinks is environmental dust mites, cat dander, or something? Have not been able to figure it out yet....still trying to though. Really want to get it under control so she doesn't have to take medication