Obama Gets One Right

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I will give credit to Obama when he is right, and this is one of those times. The idea of streamlining government is one whose time has come. It's not much, but it is a start in the right direction.


Fast Gunn's Avatar
I'm glad you're beginning to see the light.

All the GOP candidates are running for office because they love power.

President Obama is in office because he loves his country.

. . . That is the crucial difference in leadership.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BULLSHIT!!!! Obama loves power as much or more than any of the rest of them. You are not to be believed.
Obama isn't calling for downsizing; he is calling for power concentration. The announcmenet is void of any declaration of downsizing, layoffs, or otherwise indicating a smaller less intrusive government.

Instead Obama is calling for "streamlining" which means more powerful agencies.

Get your facts correct COG before you jump on a bandwagon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm glad you're beginning to see the light.

All the GOP candidates are running for office because they love power.

President Obama is in office because he loves his country.

. . . That is the crucial difference in leadership.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Way too much fairy dust for you today!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is hard to leave me speechless FG, but you have done that, my friend. I have never read a more willfully ignorant, morally indefensible statement on this or any other board. The only response is, "Have a good day. I'll be moving on."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fast gun are you talking about the quick draw or your sex life? You know that too much masturbation will rot your brain (so does drinking Kool Aid) but you know that already. I suggest you read "Game Change" and find out who was looking for power.
COG, could you change your handle to Copying Old Guy and your avatar to copy machine? Geesh, another copy and paste!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stevie, you really have issues. See a doctor for some medication, and maybe try some therapy. Oh, and I'd like to move out of your head, even though the rent is free.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me see...Obama increased the size of government with over 30 czars, 16,000 new IRS agents, and over 100,000 new federal government employees (not to mention more debt that all the other presidents before George Bush combined) and NOW he says he wants to reduce government by combining departments. I don't hear anything about cutting staff.
It must be an election year and he thinks the typical voter is pretty stupid.
Stevie, you really have issues. See a doctor for some medication, and maybe try some therapy. Oh, and I'd like to move out of your head, even though the rent is free. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Only replying to your baseless charge of my being the king of "cutting and pasting".

It seems you have no life but this board - 5,000 posts? How many of those are to start ridiculous Ron Pauler type threads and spread conspiracy theories and anti-government rhetoric?

Just wanted to be on record exposing your record.

BTW, your "cite" cover-up was the best of you looney tunes stuff to date.
Is this when he told Michelle that "This cock isn't going to suck itself?"
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Let me see...Obama increased the size of government with over 30 czars, 16,000 new IRS agents, and over 100,000 new federal government employees (not to mention more debt that all the other presidents before George Bush combined) and NOW he says he wants to reduce government by combining departments. I don't hear anything about cutting staff.
It must be an election year and he thinks the typical voter is pretty stupid. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since I can't prove a negative, can you show when these 16000 agents were hired?

"The Office of Personnel Management tallies are done every quarter, not every month, so the numbers don’t exactly match what you find on the BLS web site, but the trends line up. In round figures, from September 2009 to September 2011, the federal workforce grew about 100,000. Counting permanent civilian employees, the departments of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Defense grew by 53,000 -- more than half of the total. Veterans Affairs provides another 24,000, or about a quarter of the overall increase. Homeland Security contributes 12,000 -- call that another 10%. All told, national defense, assisting veterans, and protecting the national borders account for close to 90% of all federal civilian employee growth.

The high water mark for government employees was in 1969 when there were 2.3 million workers. The number today, about 2.2 million, is less than during the second term of President Ronald Reagan. The low water mark came at the end of the Clinton administration but the 9-11 attacks put the country on an upward course during the presidency of George W. Bush."

Wrong on the debt too. Back to your old tricks (a pun to boot)

We are able to calculate the debt figures using the U.S. Department of Treasury’s "Debt to the Penny" calculator. Here are the public debt totals accumulated during the three periods we listed above:

* End of fiscal year 2008, when the accrued debt under the 43 presidents was $5.851 trillion, to Dec. 14, 2011, when the debt was $10.393 trillion. No, not more than the previous 43 presidents combined.

* Obama inauguration, when the accrued debt was $6.307 trillion, to Dec. 14, 2011, when the debt was $10.393 trillion. No, not more than the previous 43 presidents combined.

* End of fiscal year 2009, when the accrued debt was $7.506 trillion, to Dec. 14, 2011, when the debt was $10.393 trillion. No, not more than the previous 43 presidents combined.

OMG munch don't send them to fact check.org it will fuck up their delusions
aznlvr11's Avatar

President Obama is in office because he loves his country.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You have not been paying attention to what he has done or wants to do.

I'm not saying the GOP isn't fucked up too, but to say that!?....