New pictures in Showcase, etc....

Adrianna xo's Avatar
There should be somewhere the providers can post to allow the hobbyist to know there are updates..

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Agreed! If you post it in the "Ad" section, it immediately gets swamped by other ads. I see some providers post it elsewhere (like in coed) and get away with it while others are scolded. Others also put it in their signature, which may be most effective if they post consistently.

I think a well-moderated "Update" section may be beneficial for posting new websites and pictures, although I see a section like that abused by some providers who may "update" often in an attempt to keep their thread at the top of the forum.
Well, lets make this the place!

So ladies, who has new pics in their showcase?

I have new pics!
They were taken yesterday and posted this morning!
Adrianna xo's Avatar
I have new ones!!! I took them on the webcam though... nothing like some naughty fun when your aloneee
  • jwood
  • 10-05-2010, 01:55 PM
Adrianna, I am a big fan of your ass
DallasRain's Avatar
Ladies---They are ALL HOT pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adrianna- OMG what a nice ass you have! Love it!
There should be somewhere the providers can post to allow the hobbyist to know there are updates..

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Originally Posted by Adrianna xo
what an ass...keep updating
burkalini's Avatar
Ok Adrianna I'm getting a chubby looking at that ass. WOW!