ECCIE PM's Inbox/Sent Items ????

Maybe I'm slow, just dunno, have question regarding PM's and was advised by a MOD that question might be best posted here!

How does one go about being able to "See or Read" a PM that was sent to another user? For instance, I have no problem going to PM and reading everything in my Inbox that I have not deleted, but when I click on the drop down for Sent Items, I get nothing but a blank page which also says "0" sent items!

Reason I ask is that I'd sent a PM a while back to a Provider and received no reply or any kind (though I know she read it, or at least opened it by way of the Read Receipt) and simply wanted to re-read the PM I'd sent to see if I was in any way inappropiate in what I'd sent! Can't do that because it does not show I have sent any PM's (at all), which I have!

So, question is, how (if possible) do or can I read PM's that have been sent?? If anyone has figured out how to do it, I'd sure appreciate knowing!!

1. Click on User CP
2. Select "Edit Options"
3. Scroll down to the "Message Notification" section and check the option that says: Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default

I like your handle.
Before you send a PM, always click the "Go Advanced" button rather than the "Post Quick Reply" one. This will give you a more complex screen; below the box for typing the PM is a set of check boxes; you will notice that "request a confirmation" is checked by default and nearly everything else (including "save a copy of this message") is unchecked by default. I always uncheck the former and check the latter; I wish admin would fix it so the defaults could be changed, because those stupid "send a confirmation?" prompts annoy the hell out of me and I want copies of what I send.

Hope this helps.
1. Click on User CP
2. Select "Edit Options"
3. Scroll down to the "Message Notification" section and check the option that says: Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default Originally Posted by anova444
Ah, thanks Nova! You helped me as well as Hugbuddy!
Ladies, you're both right!

Just to reiterate~ If you reply by using "Quick Reply" , then no copy is saved.

Thank You "Analisa" for that "tip"! Somehow I'd completly overlooked that, then in looking for it still missed it!! Appreciate it very much as well as your input Angel and HoneyRose!!

PS: The "handle" fits me to a "T" Analisa, glad you like it!!
You are all welcome. It's nice to save as many steps as possible. Thank you too Honey Rose.
