Then and Now

WarmNCordial's Avatar
I did some hobbying some 20+ years ago but ended up completely stopping. Just recently I decided to give it another try. After looking over dozens of provider ads I selected one and we met & had a good time.

One thing that's different now is that providers kiss. Back then none I ever saw did. Matter of fact they now advertize how many different ways they kiss. Another thing I've noticed is that now they offer far more services than they did back then. Do you want to do one of the favorite male fantasies, you can find providers who will fulfill your dreams.

Back then there was no Internet, you had to call an agency and the most you could do was give some vague description "send a blonde provider in her 30's" for instance. Who showed up you never really knew. Now with the provider ads & websites you can get a much better idea what they're like beforehand and this gives a much more personal touch.

Some things really do get better with time..
burkalini's Avatar
Welcome to the 21st century. It's nice to be informed
Some things really do get better with time.. Originally Posted by tedtex
Yeah, look at me.