Miss Kelly

Just saw miss Kelly. She’s a sweetheart and goes the extra mile. Pics are accurate and she does a great job. She may leave today or stick around for a few depending on how she feels about weather but if you got the time and and funds go see her.

I’ll throw a review up later.
She have an ad?
Damn....I was hoping that she would travel through ND next???
She was going to buy the weather channel scared her away. She said she will be back this way.

I think I caught her at a good time cause I saw her ad on tryst and her dates changed right after I reached out to her while she was in Minneapolis and she was just like yup, I’ll be there the next day. Talk about perfect timing, she was just trying to figure out where she was gonna go next.
And just for you North Dakota boys, she asked where all the traveling girls went here and I did tell her to hop up north to You guys eventually.
  • Mplay
  • 04-11-2022, 08:29 PM
Shame she doesn’t work with couples