Info on Crystal Cummings in Bismarck?

Anyone have any info on Crystal Cummings who's advertising in Bismarck? Here's the link:
Says she's got a day job so she can only meet on evenings or weekends. Any info is appreciated. She's been posting on STG and the above site for a week or so, also says she lives in Bismarck.
Did you ever find anything out about her? I've been wondering, too.
Pretty sure she is legit. I've spoken with her a couple times on the phone but I haven't seen her. She says she only does one appointment per day, she has a normal work job, so she only meets in the evenings. Her voice sounds sexy as hell! Says she lives in Bismarck. She often won't text back however, from talking with her, sounds like she must have some clients already because she talks about having appointments that have conflicted on when I might have been able to see her. I have a problem scheduling evening visits, and she can't meet during daytime. Let me know if you see her, she's on my short gotta see list.
Thanks for the information. I'll pop back in here if I do end up seeing her.
I may be wrong but I think there was a review or two on here from awhile ago. Thought something like hot as hell but spendy. Not sure, but I will try to look through the reviews or search.....evenings are hard tho, I agree.