Baracka Claus is Coming to Town!

Baracka Claus is Coming to Town!

November 12, 2012
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RUSH: Food stamps surged by the most in a year in the two months prior to the election. All-time record. A delayed release of information. The regime withheld information on food stamp usage.

You know, the Republican Party could always use better candidates, but that being said, what kind of candidate overcomes this? "Obama's USDA delayed release of a shockingly huge surge in food stamp usage." Here are the numbers. Obama delayed releasing information revealing a record-breaking monthly increase from July to August of 421,000. That's almost 10,000 new food stamp recipients per state in a single month, 421,000 new food stamp users. They all voted Obama, folks, I guarantee you. We now have a culture that will vote itself a lifestyle it is unwilling to earn. And that's cruel.
I will be castigated for saying that. What will they say? That's insulting Obama voters. That's calling them moochers. That's calling them slackers. And this again, see, this is how Limbaugh loses votes for the Republican Party, slandering Obama voters. We're never gonna get those voters as long as I keep talking about them. "Limbaugh, as long as you keep saying that people will vote themselves lifestyles they are unwilling to earn, the Republicans are never gonna get those votes." Really? He-he-he-he. It's actually kind of comical. Vote buying really took off during the summer. It's just that nobody knew about it. And we're told Republicans are supposed to study this sort of thing and learn lessons that can be applied to 2016. Well, what's the lesson here?

No, no, no, Snerdley said, "We gotta give away more stuff?" Do you think the Democrats are going to let us in on the giveaway game? Ha-ha-ha. Oh, that's wonderful. That's a solution. Let's engage in the giveaway game. We have a new song. I was withholding this for the Christmas season. I've been waiting. I think it's time to use it. We got Baracka Claus is Coming to Town. Let's just go all-in. They're gonna dump on us anyway. So go all-in here, folks. Sit back and enjoy.
(playing of song)
RUSH: And we're working on an entire library of redone Santa Claus Christmas tunes, ladies and gentlemen, for the fast approaching holiday season. Yeah, it's hysterical. Why is it hysterical? It's hysterical because it's true. It has elements of truth in it. That's why it's hysterical. That's what we do here. You better not work, you better not try, exactly. Better not work, better not try.
markroxny's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's a funny song, CC, and much too accurate! Merry Obamamas!

That's a funny song, CC, and much too accurate! Merry Obamamas!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Thank you, and ditto. Are you sure it's not Oba-mas?

BTW: Congrats on your landslide victory......
markroxny's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The best way to get Rush off the air is simple. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! As long as he is making money for his radio stations, he will be on the air. SO TURN HIM OFF!
The best way to get Rush off the air is simple. DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! As long as he is making money for his radio stations, he will be on the air. SO TURN HIM OFF! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

It's sort of similar to putting you on ignore...they can't do it....the libs read your post, complain about it, then read the next one......lib have read more of your 14,000 posts than I have....I see Mokoa is the next bitch on the top 15 list....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WikiPostFraud is moving up with a bullet, as well. It's getting crowded up here.

But unlike WPF, my posts are original, or least I credit the source. And I also don't post things that I don't understand.
And to think you have a long way to catch up to General Allen (25,000 emails to his paramore)!

WTF was he doing while Al Qaeda was re-surging around the world ?
I have to admit, the the free phone program was an ingenius idea. I met someone who actually has one. The way it is set up is like this. You get a free phone with 280 minutes of usage in a given month. The phone doesn't allow any roll over minutes. If a user goes over the 280 designated minutes they are charged three dollars for every minute of use. So lets just say a user racks up fifty extra minutes, they are charged 150.00 bucks. Now if a person is conservative with their use it's a great deal. But we all know that it doesn't take much to use up 280 minutes on the phone in a month.
I have to admit, the the free phone program was an ingenius idea. I met someone who actually has one. The way it is set up is like this. You get a free phone with 280 minutes of usage in a given month. The phone doesn't allow any roll over minutes. If a user goes over the 280 designated minutes they are charged three dollars for every minute of use. So lets just say a user racks up fifty extra minutes, they are charged 150.00 bucks. Now if a person is conservative with their use it's a great deal. But we all know that it doesn't take much to use up 280 minutes on the phone in a month. Originally Posted by acp5762

Especially if she has to bitch out her boyfriend for foolin' 'round with the ho down the hall.....