Barack Obama, the Baby Jesus

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Italians are including a figurine of Barack Obama in their Nativity sets. Get one for yourself, just in time for Obamamas!

Figurines of President Barack Obama are appearing in Nativity scenes in shops in Naples, Italy for the Christmas season.

Craftsman Marco Ferrigno told Reuters on Nov. 7 that Obama’s reelection sparked the production.

"Every time a major event occurs we create a new figurine, and today after Obama's victory, we have made a new figurine of Obama and will put him in our ideal Nativity scene,” Ferrigno said.

Reuters reported that the shop keepers said bargain hunters could get a “big discount” on figurines of GOP candidate Mitt Romney.

Italian fans of Obama said his likeness in the nativity scenes is a portrayal of how important his role is in today's world, according to Reuters.

LOL! I guess you can get one of Romney if you need a Judas to complete your set. There are no "wise men" included in the set, since they no longer exist.

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Note that the Romney figurines can be obtained "at a great discount." You'll probably want one to hang from the rear-view mirror in your '57 Chevy, won't you COK?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Note that the Romney figurines can be obtained "at a great discount." You'll probably want one to hang from the rear-view mirror in your '57 Chevy, won't you COK? Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah. With a noose. Romney was the wrong man at the wrong time. I hope the Republicans are happy that they nominated the "electable" one.

And the noose applies only to the figurine. I will no harm to come to Romney or his family at all. He can spend the rest of his life taking cars up and down on their elevator. It will be good training for life on Kolob.
Old fart has a Obama bobble head on his dash...