My 401k is taking off like a Rocket.

Didn't vote for him but Since Trumps election my 401k is moving at 14% clip.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-11-2017, 06:33 PM
Hopefully it wont be like the challenger. We all know how that turned out.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Didn't vote for him but Since Trumps election my 401k is moving at 14% clip. Originally Posted by boogbag
Don't worry...the Federal Reserve will put a stop to that shit quicksmart.
Caligula1's Avatar
Make adjustments soon take in the profits. We 401k is more or less dollar cost averaging but you have investments in stocks and they have given you returns dump it to build your cash reserve and reinvest when the market calibrates. Yea don't be emotional. Cheers
That's my goal 👌🏾
boxcardummie's Avatar
Id stay in for the long haul. With Brexit and all of the euro countries seriously considering secession you will probably want US based companies tho. With Trumps fuck everone else attitude we are going to do just fine economically.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The guy on the radio said this is not the year to dump your stocks.
So, I contacted my buddy the Prince over in Nigeria to see what he says and will report back as soon as he responds.
Id stay in for the long haul. With Brexit and all of the euro countries seriously considering secession you will probably want US based companies tho. With Trumps fuck everone else attitude we are going to do just fine economically. Originally Posted by boxcardummie
Isolationist economics strategies has never yielded strong GDP growth longterm. Trade wars and trickle down economics has never worked.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Isolationist economics strategies has never yielded strong GDP growth longterm. Trade wars and trickle down economics has never worked. Originally Posted by Headman
I agree that protectionist trade policy stultifies economic growth generally (as does over-regulation), but what does that have to do with "trickle down", which - in my view - is merely a libtard cynic's way of saying "a rising tide lifts all boats"?
BigLouie's Avatar
Didn't vote for him but Since Trumps election my 401k is moving at 14% clip. Originally Posted by boogbag
What did it do while Obama was in office and the market more than doubled. And since Trump took office NONE of his policies have gone into effect so it is all because of Obama. Lots of people think it is going up because speculators are "betting on the come". If Trump gets into a trade war with basically the entire world and decides to not pay full value for Treasury notes your 401K might take a huge hit
BigLouie's Avatar
When Obama took office everything in the market was cheap. There was great value. Now after 8 years and a doubling of the market way too stocks are way over valued. The markers are at the same point as the last big correction. If the Fed raises the rates the correction will come sooner than later.
When Obama took office everything in the market was cheap. There was great value. Now after 8 years and a doubling of the market way too stocks are way over valued. The markers are at the same point as the last big correction. If the Fed raises the rates the correction will come sooner than later. Originally Posted by BigLouie
If not for eight years of quantitative easing, the Obama Stock Market would have been a flat line. We are on edge of a HUGE bull market. Trillions sat on the side line in fear of Obama's policies. That money is pouring back into the market now. Invest aggressively. I just retired and have all of my money in aggressive funds. A little risky for my age, but I am averaging tens of thousands every week. If I'm caught with my pants down, I'm not going to touch those funds until I'm forced to anyway. Then I will just reinvest it. I'll take the risk. Yeah, there will be a modest correction or two. But bet your ass we see an amazing Bull Market for at least a year.
With regard to interest rates, they are already factored in unless the Fed pulls a coup.