Operation American Spring falls flat

BigLouie's Avatar
It never ceases to amaze me just how delusional the right wing nut cases can be at times. Retired Army Col. Harry Riley, called upon millions of patriots to march upon Washington D.C. to remove Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder from Office. He has termed it “OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – Beginning Of Tyranny Housecleaning. He projected that between 10 million and 30 million would come from around the nation and converge on the downtown capital city streets outside the White House and Capitol Building. He never explained who would run the country after everyone was forced out. I guess he doesn't think that far ahead.

How many showed up? About 250. These morons fully expected 30 MILLION people, that would be one tenth of the population of the US would show up. Did he ever give any thought how to house and feed 30 MILLION people all at once?

And these people wonder why they lose elections.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They need better publicists. I never heard of it. That would have made it 251.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, you could have posted a visiting providers ad in DC, under glory holes.
Someone needs to inform "colonel Harry Riley" that this is not the Ukraine, or some shit hole bannana republic.
We remove persons from office by things they call elections.

If he doesn't like that method, he can take his sorry ass to what ever cess pool in the World fits his views.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2014, 09:45 AM
I find it numerous that so many wackos--typically the RW variety but not always--make sure their military title is very visible when they rant about "curing the political ills". Scary that this guy supposedly made Colonel but still believes we should be led by a military "savior". I wonder if he spent time in the Libyan army with uncle Moamar?

Nicely put JS.
JCM800's Avatar
How many showed up? About 250. These morons fully expected 30 MILLION people, that would be one tenth of the population of the US would show up. Did he ever give any thought how to house and feed 30 MILLION people all at once?

And these people wonder why they lose elections. Originally Posted by BigLouie

That is a pretty sad turnout.

Was is a BYOB party? ....That might explain the low numbers.

Well, I'm sure it still entertained the tourists.
Here is a great scene that personifys this entire subject.

► 2:26► 2:26
Nov 2, 2010 - Uploaded by NoaKolnoa
JFK wanted movie "Seven Days in May" made by JFK63Conspiracy 17,432 ... Joint Chiefs ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have news for you (I'm back!), these people don't win elections because they don't run any candidates. I think you are very confused. You think these people are the Tea Party or something. They are not.

This is not my idea of how a revolution begins (and apparently most other people as well). My idea is that the regular people and local governments just stop taking orders from Washington DC. Let Washington fire the first shot or step aside.
BigLouie's Avatar
This is not my idea of how a revolution begins (and apparently most other people as well). My idea is that the regular people and local governments just stop taking orders from Washington DC. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Never going to happen because way too many regular people and local governments depend on money from Washington DC.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Like the original revolution, it doesn't take a majority. Far from it. A motivated minority could force DC into action that would convince others to join the cause overnight. Why do you think Lincoln is looked upon favorably for Fort Sumter. He got the South to fire first by provoking them into action. Once that happened he had the moral high ground not just in the US but overseas in Britain as well.

Tell me what would have been the result if the federal government had fired into the crowd outside the Bundy ranch last month? Other than the probability that the federal forces would have probably been overrun with a high cost of life. Think about Kent State with two armed factions.
BigLouie's Avatar

Tell me what would have been the result if the federal government had fired into the crowd outside the Bundy ranch last month? Other than the probability that the federal forces would have probably been overrun with a high cost of life. Think about Kent State with two armed factions. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I seriously doubt if Federal forces would have been over run. First the Bundy bunch were hiding behind the women like a bunch of cowards. If the Feds had opened fire they would have peed their pants and run.
Jackie s....
I guess you were rooting for burt....
jfk wanted the movie made....the pentagon did not....I wonder why...
Here is a great scene that personifys this entire subject.

► 2:26► 2:26
Nov 2, 2010 - Uploaded by NoaKolnoa
JFK wanted movie "Seven Days in May" made by JFK63Conspiracy 17,432 ... Joint Chiefs ... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie s....
I guess you were rooting for burt....
jfk wanted the movie made....the pentagon did not....I wonder why... Originally Posted by stevepar
If you would have taken the time to read my post #4, that would have made it plain who I was "rooting" for.

I am for the Constitution first, and foremost.