Condom Slogans
1. Cover your stump before you hump.
2. Before you attack her, wrap your whacker.
3. Don't be silly protect your willie.
4. Don't be a loner, cover your boner.
5. If you're not going to sack it, go home and whack it.
6. Don't make a mistake, cover your snake.
7. After detection sheath your erection.
8. Shelter your jerky then nab that turkey.
9. Hood that match then scratch that thatch.
10. Cover old pete then grind her meat.
11. Got no protection? Can't use your erection.
12. Holster your gun then shootings more fun.
13. Wrap that rod then please her bod.
14. Sheath that knife she ain't your wife.
15. Cover your diddle then fiddle her middle.
16. Cover old sly then do her dry.
17. Blanket old juicy then plug old loosey.
18. Cover old Doug then clean her rug.
19. House your hose then curl her toes.
20. Pouch your associate then go fornicate.