Houston we have a problem!!!

  • Chloe
  • 11-07-2011, 12:40 PM
I have made 8 trips to Houston, TX. I also am very big on giving chances lol. The first trip was awesome! The second and third alright as well. The past 5 trips have been terrible!!!

I am not embellishing at all, approx. 75% of the appointments did at least one of the following . . .

1. Canceled, most of them canceled last minute.
3. Showed up 30 minutes to 3 hours late.
4. BTW all clients were well screened with many references and p411 okays.
5. Threatened.
6. Walked in the room called me fat and nasty and walked out.
7. Left fake money for a friend that traveled with me.
8. IF they had the appointment tried and succeeded due to persistence to over stay their welcome (saying I only have time for 30 min and I push him out at 90!!)
9. Tried to get it for free.
10. Haggled an already discounted donation agreement.
11. Tried for extras not listed on any review and way out of bounds (ex.bbfs)
12. Contact me for an appointment every day but then not solidify anything and waste my time.
13. Making an appointment with me and a few other providers and canceling.

This is a highly unusual amount of things to happen in one city on many trips and ONLY that city. That does not happen but one every once in a while anywhere else I travel.

I can't possibly put a label on the Houston guys, I am thinking there may be some jealous ladies/client or agency stuff going on that is trying to block reputable indies from traveling there. What are your thoughts??
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Name them for Christ sakes....

Put all the info on them you possibly can right here right now. I mean what will this thread do other than tell us what everyone already knows if you don't at least name them.

What can we guys that don't pull this crap do? We can't even single out the handles cause no one ever names them.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
geeze I am here now and I hope the Houston gentlemen prove this wrong for me.

I came here in Jan and had a so so trip, hopefully this one is better

**edit** just had my first last min cancellation of the trip!! (growl)
  • Chloe
  • 11-07-2011, 01:03 PM
Don't worry the big time offenders are all named in alerts in the woman's sections and provider buzz. It will take about a week to compile all of the names but I would rather post it to the ladies rather than leave room for an un-needed blasting session here.

I have noticed most of the ladies are scared to even speak up in the ladies room on alerts out here due to the leaks and drama. That is pretty sad, we all checked the over 18 box when we logged in here meaning this is not junior high, leave the drama and clics back there where it belonged in our ego stage of adult development.

Mojojo's Avatar
Don't worry the big time offenders are all named in alerts in the woman's sections and provider buzz. It will take about a week to compile all of the names but I would rather post it to the ladies rather than leave room for an un-needed blasting session here. Originally Posted by Chloe

The problem with this is that not all the ladies have access to the powder room. Some don't meet the requirements needed gain access so until you ladies figure out a gp this will continue to happen.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Houston is full of pimps...IJS.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
If you don't want to name the offenders here then why post it here? If you've named them in alerts and other places why put this here. I'm assuming it's because you wanted not only feedback from the ladies but the men as well. I assume you would like for all of us to participate in holding the ones that do this crap accountable. I would definitely join in that fight.

I would so love to know who pulls this crap, if it's somebody I know then I would most certainly give them a piece of my mind here and in person.

If these offenders have an account here and p411 then are some of them well known participants here on the board?
Oilfield I am started to wonder about the pimp situation. There is a huge flux of women getting into the sex trade business (Houston) is no exception due to the economy. But I wonder how many have been snagged by pimps. I am also seeing a trend here in Houston. It appears to have gotten worse for the ladies who travel here. Again, how much of it is cockblocking by both providers and male hobbyists? The sad thing is you guys will see less and less traveling ladies come here if it becomes the norm to treat them this way. I am all for naming these guys who do this, even the time wasters who call and take up a ladies time pretending to want to book with them then never following through.
  • Chloe
  • 11-07-2011, 01:38 PM
As was said, many ladies do not have access to the powder room so I am making it public for both the guys and girls can visually see from a poll and comments that there is a very big issue here and if you plan on providing in Houston or traveling to Houston to go with a good plan and do you homework extensively.

Any verified lady may contact me for a list of problem clients or sign up on provider buzz and have easy access to the information.

The saddest part is a lot of this is pulled by guys with 50 plus p411 okays and reputable references. So yes EA it's about time to start weeding out but I am always a one man army when it comes to alerts, most ladies don't bother to stand up and say anything and I am tired of being the only one to grow a pair and call things out.
Some ladies are too scared to name them.........not me though.

I have already had a wacky trip. :-(

Unlike some of the ladies, I will be naming names, so no other ladies will suffer thru the same ones ncns-ing ladies over and over again.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Chloe you really should blast each and every eccie handle that has done this. You can't really mention the P411 handles out here in public but the eccie handles, oh fuck yes.

WRITE them for the world to see and I guarantee more ladies will start to chime in. This thread has All Star potential if it is done properly from the start. If you name 20 guys, you'll have 20 guys respond or 20 guys that stop posting all the sudden. We can't help you girls if you don't tell us who the douchebags are. We are pretty good at going against our own around here and have no problem doing it here too.

Added Later: I can guarantee you that if you came to Houston and NCNS some guys, they would blast your name in here. So you need to blast them too.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Absolutely!! The coed was specifically designated for ncns and such. I think it's time to take advatage of that and name each and every one of them that do this.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I just think its messed up to last min cancel or even worse ncns a traveling provider, not that it right to ever do it but when we travel we only have a small window of time to book appointments and we sometimes end up turning away other clients wanting that time slot. When you cancel last min (after we arrive) it really screws up our whole trip.

(mini rant over)
I have never done any of the above, but I do have a rule.... I do NOT see out-of-town visiting ladies. Sorry to hear about the jerks in Houston. Maybe it's something in the water.
Sometimes its better not to name names in public.... due to their popularity, you catch more hell than what its worth. I can say...no matter how much screening.. you can never prevent it completely.

But... Houston is full of a lot of great gentlemen who value our time as a provider (taking time to screen, set up appointments and blocking said time, thus preventing us from actually booking someone that would show) and respect us as ladies and when you find them.. they MORE than make up for those who cancel and ncns. Infact, i just left Houston 2 days ago. One cancellation and the rest... well.. those studs have me on bedrest in recovery mode now!
Thanks sexy gentlemen for a wonderful time!!