Oscar.... who would you bang?

Well it's Oscar time.... and I'm watching the Red Carpet!
I was just thinking... who would I bang on the carpet?

Well... if George had sometime, he'd be mine.
Oh... and I can't forget Ryan.

So if you were Oscar, which Star would you bang on the Red carpet?.....
(It can be any Star from the Red carpet, photos, the Award show or the after party pics posted on any media source.)
Is it just me, or do the young stars simply not have the class, poise and elegance of popular young stars from days gone by. Fidgeting, chewing gum, pained looks on their faces...ugh!

But, to answer the question, Jennifer Lopez sure showcased that lovely derriere well last night...so at the moment, she gets my vote!
tiggold's Avatar
Lindsay Lohain or Scarlette Johansen.
shooter6.5's Avatar
She was looking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eewok's Avatar
  • eewok
  • 03-08-2010, 01:18 PM
Barbra Streisand
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 03-08-2010, 01:21 PM
Charlize was looking hot last night.. but then shes always hot...
the classy Sandra Bullock... she could bring the statue too!
Kathryn Bigelow. I love fucking a winner
Sandra Bullock in a heart beat!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I'd do 'em all.
Well thanks guys...
I hope this give everyone, some insight, into the class & sophistication,
that knocks your socks off.
monkish's Avatar
What was up with all those tit-strangling dresses last night? I think the fashion world needs to reconsider.

But, to answer your question - I'm in a kinky mood so let's go with the star of "Precious".

Just kidding!
Amanda Seyfried


Kate Winslet


Kristen Stewart

Carey Mulligan

Maria Menounos

Anna Kendrick

Tina Fey

Cameron Diaz

Miley Cyrus

Sandra Bullock

Elizabeth Banks

and a few of the older broads, too!
Elizabeth Banks, no contest. Assuming I had to pick just one...
LOL... CPI**** will have rug burns, by the time he's done.*shaking my head*