The 2010 economy and hobbying

2010 is starting off bad for a lot of people. Unemployment is high, and going to get worse. The government is taxing us more and giving us less. Real estate is not good and going to get much worse. Everyone is hurting, no one is safe. I have a small real estate company and I also own a group of franchise restaurants here in the DFW area. I am also feeling the pinch. People are eating out less, my real estate clients are doing less projects. Labor cost have increased and many commodities also cost more. Again we have not seen the end of the recession. Our taxes are sure to go up, the government at all levels are in debt and that means we are all looking at a big shit sandwhich and we are all going to be forced to take a bite.

Now the reason for this post is in response to some of the threads by providers that have no business, limited business, or perhaps even thinking of leaving the hobby. If providers cant make enough to pay the bills and provide for their family, then its time to find a new career. I am not here to bash anyone, providers especially. What a person does with their money after they earn it is their own private business. We all make choices in this world, its called "free will".

But being a small business owner, I know how important little things mean to customers. I push the people in the restaurant to provide good service, good food and keep the facilities clean and above all else, be friendly and just say thank you to each and every customer that walks into my door. I have not raised prices in the restaurants in 5 years even though my costs have gone up.

So I say to providers out there, provide exceptional service at a fair price. Return phone calls, emails, show up to an appointment on time. You are in a service oriented business and when times are tough, work harder, provide an experience to the hobbyist so that he will come back and see you on a regular basis as well as post great reivews for you and even give others a referal about how good a woman you are. The Review boards are an excellent source of information. But its up to the ladies to market themselves and provide an incredible experience that will go a long way in building a reputation. Just my 2 cents worth.
  • JROD
  • 03-08-2010, 01:10 PM
I also own a small business and am feeling the crunch. Even more so in these times, I treat every customer like they are the very best, most important customer that I have...Because for the moment, they are.
ferdburf's Avatar
I own my own business as well, and frequently people comment, "Gosh, it must be nice owning your own business and not having a boss to deal with." Without exception my response is, "Each and every customer/client is my boss, and I treat them as such, if I want to keep them as customers/clients!" And I mean it sincerely. As anyone with any business sense knows, customers are the most important thing a business has.
the viceroy's Avatar
Running a small business is hard even in a strong economy. Extract costs as aggressively as possible, provide superior service and maintain relationships with your clients even if they can't use your services today. You want to be top of mind when they do need your help. When it does turn around, and it will despite the ongoing missteps in Washington DC, remember that you are your own safety net. Plan for times like we've had the past 18 months and you'll be the one surviving.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You guys are cracking me up. A lot of the advice you're giving is spot on, but many who it is intended for, well, if they still need it and you're interested in them, you might want to check into another potential ATF.
Bob - I love your 2 cents worth! It is very true what you say.

PROVIDERS - if you're not going to return a call or email to BigBob you better have one helluva golden P_ _ _ _!!

BigBob is personally one of my ATF's. He's a wonderful person, a GREAT Host, and knows how to be naughty!!

Heck, I may be runnin a lil' late from time to time but he knows I'll staaaaaaaay oooooooover to make it up. wink!
Hey! When are we gonna hookup with that hot lil' Alana? My panties haven't had a dry day since you sent me her link...

Bob, these panties are for you baby!

Ladies - get it together or these guys will go elsewhere.
otrdriver's Avatar
I to own my own busines and it is becoming a challenge every day. The cost of fuel to run the truck is on the rise what this means to you the consumer is higher cost at the store. The annoited one has already said fuel.elec cst will increase if he gets his way, guess who pays the bill at the store ? you the consumer. Next time you drive down the highway take notice of the number of trucks on the highway, freight capacity is down 50% from last year and dropping, when you see the truck traffic increase then the economy is recovering, now it is getting ready to tank. By last acount I heard the amount of trucks on the highway is down 55% from last year, what that means is the companies have gone out of business, and there are more either leaving the industry or loosing their trucks/business everyday. As Elmer Fudd says" Be very very careful" conserve your money tighten your budget get ready for the big crash, it's coming soon.

just my .02
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Jan 2010 was my best month EVER in the hobby. I had to raise my rates for a short time to slow things down.

I understand the guy's gripe. Typically providers are just terrible at business. I can't get one to show up if my life depended on it. You know why.... they don't care. Seriously they don't give one little dingle-berry if they are running their business right. Most of them don't even look at it as a business. This is just a way to get money when they want it. The thought "there will always be another call" runs rampant through a providers head. I probably looked the part for awhile because I couldn't keep up. Thank goodness things have slowed to reasonable rate.

What you all are trying to do is honorable but a wasted effort for the most part. You can't even lead most of these girls to water, much less show them how to drink. Don't take it personally guys. (or Ladies that work hard here) All the regular rules for business don't apply to about 90% of our provider population. (Which really does work in my favor. You guys have got to be jealous of that. The competition actually makes my job easier.

I've tried to teach and it always ends up really bad for me, so I'm taking myself out coach. Who's got my coke hotdog? I'm coming up to watch with the rest of you.
TexTushHog's Avatar
2010 is starting off bad for a lot of people. Unemployment is high, and going to get worse. The government is taxing us more and giving us less. Originally Posted by bigbobftworth
Actually, your Federal Income tax rates have not gone up in five years. You Social Security/Medicare and Medicaid taxes haven't gone up in some time. And the sales tax statewide is the same as it's been for ages.

I agree that times are hard, but your tax rates haven't gone up.
Unless you smoke or drink. The taxes on those items has gone up. But, much like the hobby, those are optional items.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Indirect taxes effect everyone and currently:

The ethanol industry is currently petitioning the EPA for a waiver to increase ethanol blends in gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent, in order to create a larger market–and artificial demand–for the fuel source.
That will indirectly affect the cost (inflation ring a bell?) of corn, that is used not just for human consumption, but it also feeds cattle, chickens, and pigs. What do you think will happen to the price of meat, eggs and milk when it costs more to feed our food supplies?
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 03-09-2010, 08:11 AM
Unless you smoke or drink. The taxes on those items has gone up. But, much like the hobby, those are optional items. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
Don't forget to take a look at your cell phone, cable, and electric bill to name a few. They love to hide new taxes in many places.
Mesne's Avatar
  • Mesne
  • 03-09-2010, 09:41 AM
Social Security/Medicare and Medicaid taxes haven't gone up in some time. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ahh........the myth of no tax increases. How about the fact that the "caps" on the amount of income on which these taxes rise every year and, particularly in the last 5 years, have easily outstripped the growth in personal income?? And, if you're self-employed like I am, you get to pay this increased tax amount twice!!!

Let's also not forget our property taxes that have ballooned, notwithstanding the fact that real property values have clearly decreased. Taxing authorities have nevertheless made across-the-board increases in assessed property values in order to offset reduced sales tax income because of the lagging economy.

Anybody here who has a professional license can also tell you that licensing fees have not stayed put, not to mention the hidden costs of maintaining that license that have increased, such as ridiculous increased costs of mandatory continuing education. The list goes on and on..............

I disagree with you completely. Business taxes have gone up, property taxes have gone up and Texas has a little tax called the franchise Tax. I am taxed more.

Kayla I could not agree more with you, this post will go unread by many. But I read everyday here on ECCIE where providers no show, and then providers are in trouble and need our help. If you want more money and need to pay your bills, you need to work. My post was a way of saying, you can only count on yourself and your own skills to provide a good way of life for you and your family. If you dont show up to appointments, or provide bad service, word gets around in our little community. Men will not book appointments with ladies that either provide bad service, have too much drama, or not even show up to appoinments.

Italian Princess, you know I never party unless you are one of the participants. We need to get Allna Nicole over to my place one evening, that would be one heck or a party, shoot we might even have to invite TNT Kelly and Sam Milone over as well. Four incredible providers and me all alone, oh well someone needs to do it. I know the laides would show up, because my home is a party place and all four of you ladies would be all over each other as well as myself.

Again, ladies work for your money, provide a decent life for you and your family, dont expect the men to be there to help you when you dont even help yourself. Again my 2 cents worth
Next thing will be a STARFISH TAX, or a capital gains tax on sessions..