
Bigh1955's Avatar
Ahhh...the nuances of lanuage.

Mongers used to push their carts, laden with their product through the city streets... shouting and sometimes singing about the deal of the day. So, a guy who sells fish is a fish-monger, and a person who sells metal implements is an iron-monger.

So how come I'm considered a ho-monger?

I don't have a cart...full of ladies (or otherwise). I don't go walking through the streets crying out "Get 'em while they're HOT! Jane and Alice are offering a 2 for 1 to the next 5 callers!" I'm on the buying side of the equation...What's up with the monger thing?
Osolomio's Avatar
Maybe we should be called Cash-for-Pussy Mongers.
Actually, the first definition in most dictionaries for "monger" is -

a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usually used in combination): a gossipmonger.

I believe that definition is extrapolated to the use of mongering as it relates to this endeavor.

- Jackie
Bigh1955's Avatar
Actually, the first definition in most dictionaries for "monger" is -

a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way (usually used in combination): a gossipmonger.

I believe that definition is extrapolated to the use of mongering as it relates to this endeavor.

- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Petty? Contemptible? YOU know there is nothing petty or contemptible about these activities, lol, unless you consider it war between the sheets. If that's the case - call me a war-monger!
Okay, that was funny . . . . Of course, I believe it is the general population (the civilians) that feel it so, certainly not myself.

You know damn well that the only contempt I have for you personally is when you're not filling me with your hard cock. Edit: HA! I just realized you could take that two ways, take it the right way - LOL


- Jackie