Sexual Leather Night Before Christmas

DallasRain's Avatar
T'was the fright before Christmas,
when all through my cave,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even my slave.

As I hung my fishnet stockings over the chimney with care
I heard St. Nick say,
*Leather Goddess,
Your new whips are over there*.

With a gleam in his eye,
he slid down his pants
Leather knew what to do
she was taking no chance.

As he climbed back up the chimney,
and onto the roof,
I heard whips cracking
and a reindeer's tiny little hoof.

As St. Nick climbed into his sleigh,
I hear him say to me,
* be naughty, dear Leather,
and I'll be back right away!*

As he flew off
and on out of sight,
Rudolph's nose and Santa's ass.......
Both glowed quite bright!